Reputation: 634
Im trying to develop a game, but is not only related to a game, but to anything. My question is: How do you create/delete/manage objects on c++ and they appear/disapear/change in qml?
I know that many users will tell me to read
and so on...
I have read all of them. I know how to use it that way somehow, like the example of changing a number, that is a property and its exposed to QML so it automatically changes, but that is not my question.
Let's put some simple code for example
class Unit {
int posX, posY;
int energy;
void move()...
void create()...
void kill()
Then we will implement all the logic in c++ inside the main and all necessary subclases.
class Game {
QList<Unit> listUnits;
moveUnits() {
for (int i = 0; i < units.size(); i++){
Unit unit;
Unit unit = new Unit();
On the other side will have Unit.qml:
property int posX;
property int posY;
Animation on X {...}
That basically is to handle the UI related to the Unit, but I repeat, all the logic will be done in once again in c++.
In the example before mentioned, I want, when I create a new unit, this will appear directly inside QML.
How to do? Im really sure is possible to be done, and Im sure is quite simple, I just didnt found out. I dont need code, just a hint, or a reference, or tutorial.
In case the solution is really on one of the emails I wrote before, I ask you to explain it more detail, because I still didnt found out.
Thanks a lot!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2670
Reputation: 466
Here is how to connect C++ to QML
macro above public:
macro in front of some of your public methods so they can be called from QML. e.g. Q_INVOKABLE int doStuff(int myParam);
In your main file, register the class so QML can find it: qmlRegisterType<Foo>("MyFoo", 1, 0, "Foo");
import MyFoo 1.0
(note that it is 1.0 because in qmlRegisterType, I passed the parameters 1 and 0)You can now add your C++ class to the QML File.
Foo { id: foo}
and can call your methods from elsewhere in QML e.g.
function qmlDoSomething(val){ var newInt = foo.doStuff(val) }
If you want to Dynamically create QML components, you can do it like this:
function addComponent(){
var comp = Qt.createComponent("ComponentFile.qml")
var sprite = comp.createObject(myParent) //myParent should be whatever you want to add the component to
If you want QML to respond to C++ messages, add a signal to C++
void makeComponent(QString message);
then in the QML Widget, you can put a function for when this signal is called
id: foo
onMakeComponent: {
If you're not familiar with how signals work, it's pretty simple. In a C++ method, you just use the keyword emit then call it like it a method
void myFunc(){
//Do some stuff
If you want your newly created QML Element to send data back to C++
function addComponent(componentName){
var comp = Qt.createComponent("ComponentFile.qml")
var sprite = comp.createObject(myParent) = componentName
//In ComponentFile.qml
signal mySignal(string val)
function sendSignal(){
In summary, I have explained how to:
This should be everything you need to pass your data between QML and C++
Upvotes: 6