Reputation: 37
I am storing an xml file in the xml datatype in table of SQL Server. Now I want to fetch some fragments (using xquery) and then update the fragments with the modified fragments (using xquery). I need some suggestions.
I have the code to delete a node and it is as below but while deleting I need to insert the modified node at the same place. How can this be done?
--SET @doc.modify('delete (/DATA/SDACTS)')
This works if I want to delete a node but what about inserting the modified node at same location
Next I want to delete the nodes whose values will be passed as querystring so I have to build up the string
like below
SET @x = '
<SDACT TYPE="Economy" COLOUR="0xff0000" />
<SDACT TYPE="Environment" COLOUR="0x00ff00" />
<SDACT TYPE="People" COLOUR="0x0000ff" />
<SDACT TYPE="Society" COLOUR="0xff00ff" />
<CONTINENT TITLE="South America">
<p>Pedro de Valdivia 291</p><p>Providencia</p><p>Santiago</p>
<p>Pedro de Valdivia 291</p><p>Providencia</p><p>Santiago</p>
I have to delete the country brazil which lies in the continent South America so I have to keep these as parameters which has to be dynamic as other country and continent can come.
declare @country varchar(50)
declare @continent varchar(50)
set @country = 'Brazil'
set @continent = 'South America'
declare @final varchar(100)
set @final = '//CONTINENT[@TITLE="' + @continent + '"]/COUNTRY[@TITLE="' + @country + '"]'
select @final
--SELECT @doc.query('sql:variable("@final")') 'XmlDesc' This works for select statement but not for delete
SET @doc.modify('delete (sql:variable("@final"))') This does not work and gives error.
My requirement:
Basically I am making a xml editing tool in .NET and jQuery tree hangs when loading huge xml files so I am storing the huge xml file in table and calling the segments (child nodes) and then loading those segments in jquery tree and user modifies those node. I take the modified segments to the database and then want to update with the modified one.
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Views: 759
Edit 2: It looks like SLQ-Server is not a fully complaint XQuery processor...
So, a more "static" XQuery (wich is fine is the schema is well known):
declare variable $continent external;
declare variable $country external;
declare variable $xml as item() external;
element DATA {
element LOCATIONS {
return element CONTINENT {
for $count in $cont/COUNTRY
return if ($cont/@TITLE=$continent and
then $xml
else $count
With this parameters (With SQL-Server you could also use sql:variable()
extension function):
continent="'South America'"
<SDACT TYPE="Economy" COLOUR="0xff0000"/>
<SDACT TYPE="Environment" COLOUR="0x00ff00"/>
<SDACT TYPE="People" COLOUR="0x0000ff"/>
<SDACT TYPE="Society" COLOUR="0xff00ff"/>
<CONTINENT TITLE="South America">
<p>Pedro de Valdivia 291</p><p>Providencia</p><p>Santiago</p>
EDIT 3: I think that the correct syntax for your query in comments is:
declare @continent varchar(100)
declare @country varchar(100)
declare @xml xml
declare @count int
declare @doc xml
set @continent='South America'
set @country='Brazil'
set @xml='<COUNTRY TITLE="Brazil"><UPDATE/></COUNTRY>'
set @count = 1
select @doc = xmldesc from varunxmlanglo where idlanguage =1 and xmltype ='D'
select @doc.query('
element DATA {
element LOCATIONS {
return element CONTINENT {
for $country in $continent/COUNTRY
return if ($continent/@TITLE=sql:variable("@continent") and $country/@TITLE=sql:variable("@country"))
then sql:variable("@xml")
else $country
Note: In XQuery variable reference have $
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