Reputation: 8599
I have simple controller and service class that coded using TypeScript. However, from a success callback from ajax ($http service), the value of this keyword is undefined. So the code throws exception at line code (of the controller class):
this._$location.path('/index'); // error: the value of this is undefined
Please help me how I can solve the problem.
Codes for the controller: (The exception happens in method "login(): void")
/// <reference path="../../scripts/typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../services/loginsrvc.ts" />
module angularWithTs {
"use strict";
export class LoginCtrl {
static $inject = ["LoginSrvc", "SessionSrvc", "$location"];
username: string;
password: string;
errorMessage: string;
_loginSrvc: LoginSrvc;
_sessionSrvc: SessionSrvc;
_$location: ng.ILocationService;
constructor(loginSrvc: LoginSrvc, sessionSrvc: SessionSrvc, $location: ng.ILocationService) {
this.username = "undefined";
this.password = "undefined";
this.errorMessage = "undefined";
this._loginSrvc = loginSrvc;
this._sessionSrvc = sessionSrvc;
this._$location = $location;
login(): void {
this._loginSrvc.getToken(this.username, this.password)
.then(function (response) {
SessionSrvc.setToken(response.access_token); // store token in cookies
this._$location.path('/index'); // ERROR: the value of this is undefined
}, function (errorResponse) {
//$scope.loginForm.errorMessage = errorResponse.error_description;
angular.module("angularWithTs").controller("LoginCtrl", LoginCtrl);
Codes for service:
/// <reference path="sessionsrvc.ts" />
/// <reference path="../models/authtoken.ts" />
module angularWithTs {
"user strict";
export class LoginSrvc {
static $inject = ['$http', '$q', 'SessionSrvc'];
_$http: ng.IHttpService;
_$q: ng.IQService;
_sessionSrvc: SessionSrvc;
constructor($http: ng.IHttpService, $q: ng.IQService, sessionSrvc: SessionSrvc) {
this._$http = $http;
this._$q = $q;
this._sessionSrvc = sessionSrvc;
getToken(username: string, password: string): ng.IPromise<AuthToken> {
var result = this._$q.defer();
var params = { grant_type: "password", userName: username, password: password };
method: 'POST',
url: this._sessionSrvc.apiHost + 'token',
transformRequest: function (obj) {
var str = [];
for (var p in obj)
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
data: params,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;' }
.success(response => {
.error(errorResponse => {
return result.promise;
angular.module("angularWithTs").service("LoginSrvc", LoginSrvc);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 127
Reputation: 164167
In this part:
this._loginSrvc.getToken(this.username, this.password)
.then(function (response) {
SessionSrvc.setToken(response.access_token); // store token in cookies
this._$location.path('/index'); // ERROR: the value of this is undefined
}, function (errorResponse) {
//$scope.loginForm.errorMessage = errorResponse.error_description;
You are passing two functions as the resolve/reject for the promise, but these functions do not save the context of the this
You can pass arrow functions:
this._loginSrvc.getToken(this.username, this.password)
.then((response) => {
SessionSrvc.setToken(response.access_token); // store token in cookies
this._$location.path('/index'); // ERROR: the value of this is undefined
}, (errorResponse) => {
//$scope.loginForm.errorMessage = errorResponse.error_description;
Or use bind:
this._loginSrvc.getToken(this.username, this.password)
.then(function (response) {
SessionSrvc.setToken(response.access_token); // store token in cookies
this._$location.path('/index'); // ERROR: the value of this is undefined
}.bind(this), function (errorResponse) {
//$scope.loginForm.errorMessage = errorResponse.error_description;
Upvotes: 3