Reputation: 506
Is there an easy way to find all paths (tags and branches really) in an svn repository where a specific file exists?
I know the revision the file was checked in on trunk and when it was deleted, so I need to find all branches, tags and possible other copies of paths above the file made between those two revisions.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 160
Reputation: 506
I ended up doing processing of the entire log in powershell:
$repository = 'http://REPOSITORY/url'
$badPaths = @( '/paths/to/first/commit/of/files/to/track' )
function Delete-Nodes
param([xml]$xml, [string]$xpath)
$nodes = $xml.SelectNodes($xpath);
for ($i = $nodes.Count -1; $i -ge 0; $i--)
$nodes[$i].ParentNode.RemoveChild($nodes[$i]) *>$null
[Console]::OutputEncoding = New-Object -typename System.Text.UTF8Encoding
Measure-Command { [xml]$all_revs = svn log $repository -r1:HEAD -v --xml }
$badPathXpath=[string]::Join(' or ', ($badPaths | % { "text()='$_'" }))
Delete-Nodes -xml $all_revs -xpath "//path[@action='M']"
Delete-Nodes -xml $all_revs -xpath "//path[@action='A' and not($badPathXpath) and not(@copyfrom-path)]" # For additions we only care about our bad paths or any copies (from those)
Delete-Nodes -xml $all_revs -xpath "/log/logentry/paths[not(descendant::path)]"
Delete-Nodes -xml $all_revs -xpath "/log/logentry[not(descendant::paths)]"
$monitoredPaths = @{}
foreach ($logentry in $all_revs.log.logentry)
foreach ($path in $logentry.paths.path)
$used = $true
$action = $path.action
$from_path = $path.Attributes['copyfrom-path'].Value
$from_rev = $path.Attributes['copyfrom-rev'].Value
$revision = $logentry.revision
$value = $path.InnerText
if ($action -eq 'A' -and -not $from_path)
if (($badPaths | % { $value.StartsWith($_) } | Where { $_ } ).Count -gt 0)
$monitoredPaths[$value] = New-Object PSObject -Property (@{ 'Added' = $revision; 'Deleted' = $null })
$used = $false
elseif ($monitoredPaths.Count -gt 0 -and $from_path -and -not $monitoredPaths.ContainsKey($value))
$paths = $monitoredPaths.Keys | Where-Object { $val = $monitoredPaths[$_]; ($from_path -eq $_ -or $_.StartsWith("$from_path/") -or $from_path.StartsWith("$_/")) -and ($from_rev -ge $val.Added -and (-not $val.Deleted -or $val.Deleted -gt $from_rev) ) }
if ($paths.Count -gt 0)
foreach ($copied_path in $paths)
if ($copied_path.StartsWith("$from_path/"))
$sub_directory = $copied_path.SubString($from_path.Length)
$newPath = "$value$sub_directory"
$newPath = "$value"
if (($monitoredPaths.Keys | Where-Object { $newPath.StartsWith("$_/") -and -not $monitoredPaths[$_].Deleted }).Count -eq 0)
$monitoredPaths[$newPath] = New-Object PSObject -Property (@{ 'Added' = $revision; 'Deleted' = $null })
$used = $false
$used = $false
elseif ($action -eq 'D' -and $monitoredPaths.ContainsKey($value))
$monitoredPaths[$value].Deleted = $revision
elseif ($action -eq 'D')
$used = $false
foreach ($path in ($monitoredPaths.Keys | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("$value/") -and -not $monitoredPaths[$_].Deleted }))
$monitoredPaths[$path].Deleted = $revision
$used = $true
$used = $false
if (-not $used)
$logentry.paths.RemoveChild($path) *>$null
Upvotes: 2