Reputation: 83
I am working with Orchard CMS. I have created work flow which send mail to Super admin and user himself who create block/news as a notification.
In my CMS there more than one admin and moderator. I want to send email to all moderator and admin as soon as new blog /news/article is posted or updated. Right now it is sending to only one admin user not all.
How can I create workflow to send mail to all admin as well as moderator once content (news/blog) is posted or updated?
I am working on orchard version 1.10.0.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 321
Reputation: 913
There are two possibilities here: A custom workflow task and a simple token.
Let's start with the task. I've created a simple demo; here's the code:
namespace My.Module
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Orchard;
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
using Orchard.Data;
using Orchard.Email.Activities;
using Orchard.Email.Services;
using Orchard.Environment.Extensions;
using Orchard.Localization;
using Orchard.Messaging.Services;
using Orchard.Roles.Models;
using Orchard.Roles.Services;
using Orchard.Users.Models;
using Orchard.Workflows.Models;
using Orchard.Workflows.Services;
public class RoleMailerTask : Task
private readonly IOrchardServices services;
public const string TaskName = "RoleMailer";
public RoleMailerTask(IOrchardServices services)
{ = services;
this.T = NullLocalizer.Instance;
public Localizer T { get; set; }
public override string Name
get { return TaskName; }
public override string Form
get { return TaskName; }
public override LocalizedString Category
get { return this.T("Messaging"); }
public override LocalizedString Description
get { return this.T("Sends mails to all users with this chosen role"); }
public override IEnumerable<LocalizedString> GetPossibleOutcomes(WorkflowContext workflowContext, ActivityContext activityContext)
yield return this.T("Done");
public override IEnumerable<LocalizedString> Execute(WorkflowContext workflowContext, ActivityContext activityContext)
var recipientsRole = int.Parse(activityContext.GetState<string>("RecipientsRole"));
var role =<IRoleService>().GetRole(recipientsRole);
var userRolesRepo =<IRepository<UserRolesPartRecord>>();
var recepientIds = userRolesRepo.Table.Where(x => x.Role.Name == role.Name).Select(x => x.UserId);
var recipients =<UserPart>(recepientIds, VersionOptions.Published, QueryHints.Empty)
.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Email))
.Select(x => x.Email);
var body = activityContext.GetState<string>("Body");
var subject = activityContext.GetState<string>("Subject");
var replyTo = activityContext.GetState<string>("ReplyTo");
var bcc = activityContext.GetState<string>("Bcc");
var cc = activityContext.GetState<string>("CC");
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{"Subject", subject},
{"Body", body},
{"Recipients", string.Join(",", recipients)},
{"ReplyTo", replyTo},
{"Bcc", bcc},
{"CC", cc}
var queued = activityContext.GetState<bool>("Queued");
if ( !queued )
{<IMessageService>().Send(SmtpMessageChannel.MessageType, parameters);
var priority = activityContext.GetState<int>("Priority");<IJobsQueueService>().Enqueue("IMessageService.Send", new { type = SmtpMessageChannel.MessageType, parameters = parameters }, priority);
yield return T("Done");
You might want to throw the recipients in a loop, and send a new email for each of them. With the version above, everyone will see the mail address of everyone else...
namespace My.Module
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Activities;
using Orchard;
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
using Orchard.DisplayManagement;
using Orchard.Environment.Extensions;
using Orchard.Forms.Services;
using Orchard.Roles.Services;
public class RoleMailerTaskForm : Component, IFormProvider
private readonly IRoleService roleService;
public RoleMailerTaskForm(IShapeFactory shapeFactory, IRoleService roleService)
this.roleService = roleService;
this.Shape = shapeFactory;
public dynamic Shape { get; set; }
public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
Func<IShapeFactory, dynamic> formFactory = shape =>
var form = this.Shape.Form(
Id: RoleMailerTask.TaskName,
_Type: this.Shape.FieldSet(
Title: this.T("Send to"),
_RecepientsRole: this.Shape.SelectList(
Id: "recipientsRole",
Name: "RecipientsRole",
Title: this.T("Recepient role"),
Description: this.T( "The role of the users that should be notified" ),
Items: this.roleService.GetRoles().Select(r => new SelectListItem { Value = r.Id.ToString(), Text = r.Name })
_Bcc: this.Shape.TextBox(
Id: "bcc",
Name: "Bcc",
Title: this.T("Bcc"),
Description: this.T("Specify a comma-separated list of email addresses for a blind carbon copy"),
Classes: new[] { "large", "text", "tokenized" }),
_CC: this.Shape.TextBox(
Id: "cc",
Name: "CC",
Title: this.T("CC"),
Description: this.T("Specify a comma-separated list of email addresses for a carbon copy"),
Classes: new[] { "large", "text", "tokenized" }),
_ReplyTo: this.Shape.Textbox(
Id: "reply-to",
Name: "ReplyTo",
Title: this.T("Reply To Address"),
Description: this.T("If necessary, specify an email address for replies."),
Classes: new[] { "large", "text", "tokenized" }),
_Subject: this.Shape.Textbox(
Id: "Subject", Name: "Subject",
Title: this.T("Subject"),
Description: this.T("The subject of the email message."),
Classes: new[] { "large", "text", "tokenized" }),
_Message: this.Shape.Textarea(
Id: "Body", Name: "Body",
Title: this.T("Body"),
Description: this.T("The body of the email message."),
Classes: new[] { "tokenized" })
return form;
context.Form(RoleMailerTask.TaskName, formFactory);
This is the form you'll need to configure the task. The form is a blatant rip off from Orchard.Email/Forms/EmailForm. The only thing I've changed is the select list on top of the form.
And that's all you need!
For the token approach, you would just need to define a token like {RoleRecpients:TheRoleYouWant}, parse that role name and get the users like shown in the Task above.
Upvotes: 0