Reputation: 61
I have this vba macro that extracts data from a text file and puts it into a column in Excel. The files are named by days (2016mmdd). Currently, I run this macro for each day. Now I want it such that when this Macro is run, the data for all the days in the declared month (say August) will be automatically extracted into different columns (a column per each day of the month). So that I won't have to manually run it 31 times if there are 31 days in the month. Thanks for helping.
Sub Macro7()
' Macro7 Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+x
Dim fileDate, rng, rng1, rng2, rng3, rcell As String
b = InputBox("Enter file Name mmdd", "File name")
rcell = InputBox("Enter cell reference", "Reference name")
rng = "$" & rcell & "$2"
rng1 = rcell & "2:" & rcell & "14"
rng2 = rcell & "52:" & rcell & "62"
rng3 = rcell & "2:" & rcell & "101"
Filename = "j:\files\2016" & b & "2259.txt"
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;j:\files2016" & b & "2259.txt", Destination:= _
.Name = "tr" & b
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
.SavePassword = False
.SaveData = True
.AdjustColumnWidth = True
.RefreshPeriod = 0
.TextFilePromptOnRefresh = False
.TextFilePlatform = 850
.TextFileStartRow = 1
.TextFileParseType = xlFixedWidth
.TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote
.TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False
.TextFileTabDelimiter = True
.TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False
.TextFileCommaDelimiter = False
.TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False
.TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(9, 1, 9)
.TextFileFixedColumnWidths = Array(103, 4)
.TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=45
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-60
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1489
Reputation: 8941
The quick approach would be to re-write Sub Macro7() to accept parameters, e.g.
Sub ImportFiles(FName As String, ColNum As Integer)
' blablabla
' work with range objects ... not with patched strings containing range addresses
Dim Rng As Range, Rng1 As Range, Rng2 As Range, Rng3 As Range
Set Rng = Cells(2, ColNum)
Set Rng1 = Range(Cells(2, ColNum), Cells(14, ColNum))
Set Rng2 = Range(Cells(52, ColNum), Cells(62, ColNum))
Set Rng3 = Range(Cells(2, ColNum), Cells(101, ColNum))
Filename = "j:\files\2016" & FName & "2259.txt"
' and replace <Destination := Range(Rng)> by <Destination := Rng>
' blablabla
' use the range objects defined/set earlier ... save on Select/Selection
Rng1.Delete xlUp
Rng2.Delete xlUp
End Sub
and have a calling Macro e.g.
Sub DoWorklist()
ImportFiles "0901", 1
ImportFiles "0902", 2
ImportFiles "0903", 3
' blablabla
Dim Idx As Integer
For Idx = 1 To 30
' to overcome well spotted chr() issue we convert running number Idx
' into 2 digit string with leading "0"
ImportFiles "09" & Format(Idx, "00"), Idx
Next Idx
End Sub
Upvotes: 1