Reputation: 1227
My Laptop configuration is 64-bit window 8.
When user select pdf file and do right click at that time i need to add context menu.
I googling too much and i found some solution. But no one can solve my problem.
I found below link for my problem
read/write to Windows Registry using Java
How can I add a context menu to the Windows Explorer for a Java application?
case 1 : i tried below WinRegistry class
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
public class WinRegistry {
public static final int HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 0x80000001;
public static final int HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002;
public static final int REG_SUCCESS = 0;
public static final int REG_NOTFOUND = 2;
public static final int REG_ACCESSDENIED = 5;
private static final int KEY_ALL_ACCESS = 0xf003f;
private static final int KEY_READ = 0x20019;
private static Preferences userRoot = Preferences.userRoot();
private static Preferences systemRoot = Preferences.systemRoot();
private static Class<? extends Preferences> userClass = userRoot.getClass();
private static Method regOpenKey = null;
private static Method regCloseKey = null;
private static Method regQueryValueEx = null;
private static Method regEnumValue = null;
private static Method regQueryInfoKey = null;
private static Method regEnumKeyEx = null;
private static Method regCreateKeyEx = null;
private static Method regSetValueEx = null;
private static Method regDeleteKey = null;
private static Method regDeleteValue = null;
static {
try {
regOpenKey = userClass.getDeclaredMethod("WindowsRegOpenKey",
new Class[] { int.class, byte[].class, int.class });
regCloseKey = userClass.getDeclaredMethod("WindowsRegCloseKey",
new Class[] { int.class });
regQueryValueEx = userClass.getDeclaredMethod("WindowsRegQueryValueEx",
new Class[] { int.class, byte[].class });
regEnumValue = userClass.getDeclaredMethod("WindowsRegEnumValue",
new Class[] { int.class, int.class, int.class });
regQueryInfoKey = userClass.getDeclaredMethod("WindowsRegQueryInfoKey1",
new Class[] { int.class });
regEnumKeyEx = userClass.getDeclaredMethod(
"WindowsRegEnumKeyEx", new Class[] { int.class, int.class,
int.class });
regCreateKeyEx = userClass.getDeclaredMethod(
"WindowsRegCreateKeyEx", new Class[] { int.class,
byte[].class });
regSetValueEx = userClass.getDeclaredMethod(
"WindowsRegSetValueEx", new Class[] { int.class,
byte[].class, byte[].class });
regDeleteValue = userClass.getDeclaredMethod(
"WindowsRegDeleteValue", new Class[] { int.class,
byte[].class });
regDeleteKey = userClass.getDeclaredMethod(
"WindowsRegDeleteKey", new Class[] { int.class,
byte[].class });
catch (Exception e) {
private WinRegistry() { }
* Read a value from key and value name
* @param key
* @param valueName
* @return the value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public static String readString(int hkey, String key, String valueName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
if (hkey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
return readString(systemRoot, hkey, key, valueName);
else if (hkey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {
return readString(userRoot, hkey, key, valueName);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hkey=" + hkey);
* Read value(s) and value name(s) form given key
* @param key
* @return the value name(s) plus the value(s)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public static Map<String, String> readStringValues(int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
if (hkey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
return readStringValues(systemRoot, hkey, key);
else if (hkey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {
return readStringValues(userRoot, hkey, key);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hkey=" + hkey);
* Read the value name(s) from a given key
* @param key
* @return the value name(s)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public static List<String> readStringSubKeys(int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
if (hkey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
return readStringSubKeys(systemRoot, hkey, key);
else if (hkey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {
return readStringSubKeys(userRoot, hkey, key);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hkey=" + hkey);
* Create a key
* @param key
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public static void createKey(int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
int [] ret;
if (hkey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
ret = createKey(systemRoot, hkey, key);
regCloseKey.invoke(systemRoot, new Object[] { new Integer(ret[0]) });
else if (hkey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {
ret = createKey(userRoot, hkey, key);
regCloseKey.invoke(userRoot, new Object[] { new Integer(ret[0]) });
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hkey=" + hkey);
if (ret[1] != REG_SUCCESS) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("rc=" + ret[1] + " key=" + key);
* Write a value in a given key/value name
* @param hkey
* @param key
* @param valueName
* @param value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public static void writeStringValue
(int hkey, String key, String valueName, String value)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
if (hkey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
writeStringValue(systemRoot, hkey, key, valueName, value);
else if (hkey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {
writeStringValue(userRoot, hkey, key, valueName, value);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hkey=" + hkey);
* Delete a given key
* @param hkey
* @param key
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public static void deleteKey(int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
int rc = -1;
if (hkey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
rc = deleteKey(systemRoot, hkey, key);
else if (hkey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {
rc = deleteKey(userRoot, hkey, key);
if (rc != REG_SUCCESS) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("rc=" + rc + " key=" + key);
* delete a value from a given key/value name
* @param hkey
* @param key
* @param value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public static void deleteValue(int hkey, String key, String value)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
int rc = -1;
if (hkey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
rc = deleteValue(systemRoot, hkey, key, value);
else if (hkey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {
rc = deleteValue(userRoot, hkey, key, value);
if (rc != REG_SUCCESS) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("rc=" + rc + " key=" + key + " value=" + value);
// =====================
private static int deleteValue
(Preferences root, int hkey, String key, String value)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
int[] handles = (int[]) regOpenKey.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer(hkey), toCstr(key), new Integer(KEY_ALL_ACCESS) });
if (handles[1] != REG_SUCCESS) {
return handles[1]; // can be REG_NOTFOUND, REG_ACCESSDENIED
int rc =((Integer) regDeleteValue.invoke(root,
new Object[] {
new Integer(handles[0]), toCstr(value)
regCloseKey.invoke(root, new Object[] { new Integer(handles[0]) });
return rc;
private static int deleteKey(Preferences root, int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
int rc =((Integer) regDeleteKey.invoke(root,
new Object[] { new Integer(hkey), toCstr(key) })).intValue();
private static String readString(Preferences root, int hkey, String key, String value)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
int[] handles = (int[]) regOpenKey.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer(hkey), toCstr(key), new Integer(KEY_READ) });
if (handles[1] != REG_SUCCESS) {
return null;
byte[] valb = (byte[]) regQueryValueEx.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer(handles[0]), toCstr(value) });
regCloseKey.invoke(root, new Object[] { new Integer(handles[0]) });
return (valb != null ? new String(valb).trim() : null);
private static Map<String,String> readStringValues
(Preferences root, int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
HashMap<String, String> results = new HashMap<String,String>();
int[] handles = (int[]) regOpenKey.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer(hkey), toCstr(key), new Integer(KEY_READ) });
if (handles[1] != REG_SUCCESS) {
return null;
int[] info = (int[]) regQueryInfoKey.invoke(root,
new Object[] { new Integer(handles[0]) });
int count = info[0]; // count
int maxlen = info[3]; // value length max
for(int index=0; index<count; index++) {
byte[] name = (byte[]) regEnumValue.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer
(handles[0]), new Integer(index), new Integer(maxlen + 1)});
String value = readString(hkey, key, new String(name));
results.put(new String(name).trim(), value);
regCloseKey.invoke(root, new Object[] { new Integer(handles[0]) });
return results;
private static List<String> readStringSubKeys
(Preferences root, int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
int[] handles = (int[]) regOpenKey.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer(hkey), toCstr(key), new Integer(KEY_READ)
if (handles[1] != REG_SUCCESS) {
return null;
int[] info = (int[]) regQueryInfoKey.invoke(root,
new Object[] { new Integer(handles[0]) });
int count = info[0]; // Fix: info[2] was being used here with wrong results. Suggested by davenpcj, confirmed by Petrucio
int maxlen = info[3]; // value length max
for(int index=0; index<count; index++) {
byte[] name = (byte[]) regEnumKeyEx.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer
(handles[0]), new Integer(index), new Integer(maxlen + 1)
results.add(new String(name).trim());
regCloseKey.invoke(root, new Object[] { new Integer(handles[0]) });
return results;
private static int [] createKey(Preferences root, int hkey, String key)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
return (int[]) regCreateKeyEx.invoke(root,
new Object[] { new Integer(hkey), toCstr(key) });
private static void writeStringValue
(Preferences root, int hkey, String key, String valueName, String value)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
int[] handles = (int[]) regOpenKey.invoke(root, new Object[] {
new Integer(hkey), toCstr(key), new Integer(KEY_ALL_ACCESS) });
new Object[] {
new Integer(handles[0]), toCstr(valueName), toCstr(value)
regCloseKey.invoke(root, new Object[] { new Integer(handles[0]) });
// utility
private static byte[] toCstr(String str) {
byte[] result = new byte[str.length() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
result[i] = (byte) str.charAt(i);
result[str.length()] = 0;
return result;
When i get typeId For which software use of pdf view so i get proper value my code is below
String string = WinRegistry.readString(WinRegistry.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software"+File.separator+"Microsoft"+File.separator+"Windows"+File.separator+"CurrentVersion"+File.separator+"Explorer"+File.separator+"FileExts"+File.separator+".pdf"+File.separator+"UserChoice", "ProgId");
and i got FoxitReader.Document
is a perfect value.
But when i create registry key by below code
String key = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"+File.separator+string+File.separator+"shell"+File.separator+"PDF View";
WinRegistry.createKey(WinRegistry.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key);
But i'm failed. this key is not create.
case 2 : I have found another solution using jna
i use two jar file jna-4.2.2
and jna-platform-4.2.2
for get software for pdf view, i write below code
String string = Advapi32Util.registryGetStringValue(
WinReg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software"+File.separator+"Microsoft"+File.separator+"Windows"+File.separator+"CurrentVersion"+File.separator+"Explorer"+File.separator+"FileExts"+File.separator+".pdf"+File.separator+"UserChoice", "ProgId");
and i got perfect value same as previous value.
but when i create registry key
String key = "Computer"+File.separator+"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"+File.separator+string+File.separator+"shell"+File.separator+"PDF View";
Advapi32Util.registryCreateKey(WinReg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key);
In this case, registry key is not create.
Both case get readValue perfectly but createKey is not worked.
Both case i got below warning message :
Sep 15, 2016 3:40:56 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init>
WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.
please help me. Any other solution for how to create registry key?
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Views: 1721
Reputation: 1227
I solved my problem by write like this
String string = WinRegistry.readString(WinRegistry.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software"+File.separator+"Microsoft"+File.separator+"Windows"+File.separator+"CurrentVersion"+File.separator+"Explorer"+File.separator+"FileExts"+File.separator+".pdf"+File.separator+"UserChoice", "ProgId");
String key = "Software"+File.separator+"Classes"+File.separator+string+File.separator+"shell"+File.separator+"PDF View";
WinRegistry.createKey(WinRegistry.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key);
The main problem is wrong key directory. But now i got right key directory..
Upvotes: 1