Reputation: 275
Hi I am using the following scatter chart code
In this I need no negative values. when I pass only positive values data it is solved.
I need to make my y axis value reversed. That is Y axis should start with zero. x axis same.
Kindly help me to do it. My code is as below
<title>User Interaction </title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="ourgraph.js"></script>
<div id="container" style="width: 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
<script language="JavaScript">
var edata;
var i;
//a = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
var chart = {
type: 'scatter',
zoomType: 'xy'
var title = {
text: 'User Interaction Touch points'
var subtitle = {
text: 'Source: charmboard database'
var xAxis = {
//range = [0,320]
title: {
enabled: true,
text: 'Height (px)'
startOnTick: true,
endOnTick: true,
showLastLabel: true
var yAxis = {
//range = [0,180]
title: {
text: 'Width (px)'
var legend = {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'left',
verticalAlign: 'top',
x: 100,
y: 70,
floating: true,
backgroundColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || '#FFFFFF',
borderWidth: 0.1
var plotOptions = {
scatter: {
marker: {
radius: 0.5,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: true,
lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)'
states: {
hover: {
marker: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br>',
pointFormat: '{point.x} x-px, {point.y} y-px'
// http call for data
url: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
type: 'GET',
context: document.body,
success: function(data){
// http call for end
//writeing a data to file starts with removed time slot colum, negatvie values , x axis 0-320 ,y axis 0-180 alone
// data.forEach(function(i)
// if (i[0]> 0 && i[0] < 320 && i[1] >0 && i[1] <180)
// {
// edata = data.slice(2);
//writeing a data to file ends with removed time slot colum, negatvie values , x axis 0-320 ,y axis 0-180 alone
var series= [{
name: 'Touches',
color: 'rgba(223, 83, 83, .5)',
data: data
var json = {};
json.chart = chart;
json.title = title;
json.subtitle = subtitle;
json.legend = legend;
json.xAxis = xAxis;
json.yAxis = yAxis;
json.series = series;
json.plotOptions = plotOptions;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 241
Reputation: 1489
Since the tutorial is using HighCharts it would be good idea to open there docs.
As for answer you need to change this:
var yAxis = {
title: {
text: 'Weight (kg)'
To this:
var yAxis = {
title: {
text: 'Weight (kg)'
min: 0 // Make sure you add this.
Hope that helps!
Upvotes: 2