Reputation: 864
I'm writing a small application for college that parses some wikipedia pages and outputs information about the people in the pages.
I wrote it in Java and am trying to re-write it in C. I'm getting a weird bug, sometimes the program's output is correct and sometimes it is wrong, without changing the input.
Here is a sample input that triggers the error with the name "105.html"
This is the output I get sometimes:
105 Linus Pauling Estadunidense 28 de fevereiro de 1901 Portland, Oregon 19 de agosto de 1994 Big Sur, Califórnia 93
This is the output I get other times:
105 Linus Pauling Estadunidense 28 de f@evereir@o�y� dC�L��e ���y�19I�L��01 Portland, Oregon 19 de agosto de 1994 Big Sur, Califórnia 93
I notice that if I set a breakpoint in XCode, I usually get the RIGHT result...
I'm new to C so I actually have no clue how to start debugging this.
Here is the code if anyone is interested in actually reading it. The code is in a mixture of Portuguese and English but I added English comments so it should be easy to follow.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct pessoa{
int id;
char *nome; //name
char *nacionalidade; // nationality
char *nascimento; // date of birth
char *local_nascimento; // place of birth
char *morte; // date of death
char *local_morte; // place of death
int idade; // age
struct pessoa *inicializar(int n) {
struct pessoa *pessoas = malloc(sizeof(pessoas) * n);
return pessoas;
void imprimir_pessoa(struct pessoa *p) {
printf("%i %s %s %s %s %s %s %i\n", p->id, p->nome, p->nacionalidade,
p->nascimento, p->local_nascimento, p->morte,
p->local_morte, p->idade);
void imprimir_pessoa_asterisco(struct pessoa *p) {
printf("%i ## %s ## %s ## %s ## %s ## %s ## %s ## %i\n", p->id, p->nome, p->nacionalidade,
p->nascimento, p->local_nascimento, p->morte,
p->local_morte, p->idade);
size_t index_of(char *string, char *to_find) {
return strstr(string, to_find) - string;
char *remove_tags(char *string) {
// inicializa para o mesmo tamanho da string de entrada para garantir que ira caber
char * resp = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(string) + 1);
// jumps over the html tags and finds the aproppriate information
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
while (i < strlen(string) && string[i] == '<') {
for (i++; string[i] != '>'; i++);
while(i < strlen(string) && string[i] == '&'){
for (i++; string[i] != ';'; i++);
while(i < strlen(string) && string[i] == '&'){
for (i++; string[i] != ';'; i++);
resp[strlen(resp)] = ' ';
if (i < strlen(string)) {
resp[strlen(resp)] = string[i];
while(strlen(string) > 0 && resp[0] == ' '){ // jumps over white spaces on the begining
resp += 1;
resp[strlen(resp)] = 0;
return resp;
char* extrair_nome(char *string) { // extract the person's name
size_t index = index_of(string, "<title>") + strlen("<title>");
size_t index_fim = index_of(string, " Wiki") - 4;
char *nome = malloc(sizeof(char) * (index_fim - index));
memcpy(nome, (string+index), index_fim - index);
return nome;
char* substring(char * string, char *c) {
return string + strcspn(string, c);
void remove_new_line(char *string) {
char *pos;
if ((pos=strchr(string, '\n')) != NULL)
*pos = '\0';
void ler_pessoa(char *nome_arquivo, struct pessoa *p) { // parse the file to fill the pessoa struct
size_t length = strlen(nome_arquivo);
p->id = (nome_arquivo[length - 8] - 48) * 100;
p->id = (p->id + (nome_arquivo[length - 7] - 48) * 10);
p->id = p->id + (nome_arquivo[length - 6] - 48);
int tamanho_linha = 2000;
char *linha = malloc(sizeof(char) * tamanho_linha);
FILE *fp = fopen(nome_arquivo, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Falha ao abrir arquivo %s\n", nome_arquivo);
while (fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp) != NULL) {
if (strstr(linha, "<title>")) { // extracts name
p->nome = extrair_nome(linha);
while (fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp) != NULL) {
if (strstr(linha, "Nacionalidade")) { // extracts nationality
fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp);
p->nacionalidade = remove_tags(linha);
while (fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp) != NULL) {
if (strstr(linha, "Nascimento")) { // extracts date of births
fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp);
p->nascimento = remove_tags(linha); // <-- this one is not working all the time??
//se vivo
if (strstr(p->nascimento, ")") != NULL) { // if the person is alive the date of birth date is of the type: date(age)
char *tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p->nascimento)); // so we extract the age
strcpy(tmp, p->nascimento);
tmp = tmp + strcspn(tmp, "(") + 1;
tmp[index_of(tmp, " ")] = 0;
p->idade = atoi(tmp);
p->morte = "vivo"; // not dead
p->local_morte = "vivo"; // not dead
} else {
p->morte = ""; // we set this later
p->local_morte = "";
while (fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp) != NULL) {
if (strstr(linha, "Local")) { // extracts place of death
fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp);
p->local_nascimento = remove_tags(linha);
if (strlen(p->morte) == 0) { // we set this now if the person is not alive (hence size 0)
while (fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp) != NULL) {
if (strstr(linha, "Morte")) { // extract death day
fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp);
p->morte = remove_tags(linha);
if (strstr(p->morte, "(") != NULL) {
char *tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p->morte));
strcpy(tmp, p->morte); // extract age when the person died, like above
tmp = tmp + strcspn(tmp, "(") + 1;
tmp[index_of(tmp, " ")] = 0;
p->idade = atoi(tmp);
p->morte[index_of(p->morte, "(")] = 0;
while (fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp) != NULL) {
if (strstr(linha, "Local")) { // get the place of death
fgets(linha, tamanho_linha, fp);
p->local_morte = remove_tags(linha);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
struct pessoa p;
ler_pessoa("/tmp/105.html", &p);
return 0;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 54
Reputation: 153498
resp[strlen(resp)] = ' ';
and resp[strlen(resp)] = string[i];
are bad as resp[]
is not certainly null character terminated.
Code needs a new approach to determine which element of resp[]
to assign.
resp[strlen(resp)] = 0;
is questionable too.
returns the length of the string, not counting the null terminator. For strlen()
to work well, resp
must be null terminated first, else it is not referencing a string. The null character is in the index that equals the length, so resp[strlen(resp)] = 0;
is a no-op function, other than killing some CPU cycles.
Code has other problems.
Example: Insufficient space. @Weather Vane;
// bad code
char *tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p->nascimento)); // so we extract the age
strcpy(tmp, p->nascimento);
Sample string allocator/duplicator (Note: strdup()
often exists on many platforms)
char *strdupe(const char *s) {
size_t size = strlen(s) + 1;
dupe = malloc(size);
if (dupe) {
memcpy(dupe, s, size);
return dupe;
Upvotes: 1