Xael Yvette
Xael Yvette

Reputation: 77

MIPS Fibonacci Using Recursion

So, I am working on fibonacci in MIPS, and the rules are I need to have a preamble for a recursive method of solving the problem. My code currently is producing wrong output and I cannot identify which part should be edited.


main:   li $v0, 5
    move $a0, $v0
    move $v0, $zero
    jal fibo

    move $t2, $v0
    li $v0, 1
    move $a0, $t2

    li $v0, 10

fibo:   ####preamble####    #push from stack
        subu $sp, $sp, 32
        sw $ra, 0($sp)      #store return address
        sw $a0, 4($sp)
        sw $fp, 8($sp)
        sw $v0, 12($sp)
        addu $fp, $sp, 32

zero:   bne $a0, 0, one
        move $v0, $a0
        jr $ra  

one:    bne $a0, 1, fn1
        move $v0, $a0
        jr $ra  

fn1:    subi $a0, $a0, 1    #call for fibo(n-1)
        jal fibo            #recursive

        lw $a0, 4($sp)
        addi $a0, $a0, 1

        subi $a0, $a0, 2    #call for fibo(n-2) 
        jal fibo        

result: lw $ra, 0($sp)      #load ra
        lw $fp, 8($sp)
        lw $t0, 12($sp)
        add $v0, $t0, $v0
        addu $sp, $sp, 32
        addu $fp, $fp, 32   
        jr $ra

Upvotes: 0

Views: 6285

Answers (1)

Craig Estey
Craig Estey

Reputation: 33601

Okay, you had the basic structure and components correct, but, unfortunately, there were a number of bugs.

I've created two versions of your program. One with comments detailing the bugs. And, a second version with things cleaned up, simplified, and working

Here's the annotated version [please pardon the gratuitous style cleanup]:


    li      $v0,5
    move    $a0,$v0

    # NOTE/BUG: doing this is unnecessary/wrong if fibo is correct
    move    $v0,$zero

    jal     fibo

    move    $t2,$v0
    li      $v0,1
    move    $a0,$t2

    li      $v0,10

####preamble####    #push from stack
    # NOTE/BUG: for simple functions like this, setting up fp is extra work
    # NOTE/BUG: we want to have extra space in the frame but we don't need
    # to push/pop for some
    subu    $sp,$sp,32
    sw      $ra,0($sp)              # store return address
    sw      $a0,4($sp)
    sw      $fp,8($sp)
    sw      $v0,12($sp)
    addu    $fp,$sp,32

    # NOTE/BUG: we must zero out t0 so that the add in result: is valid

    # NOTE/BUG: a stack frame has already been established -- it must be popped
    # we can _not_ just do a "jr" here
    bne     $a0,0,one
    move    $v0,$a0
    jr      $ra

    # NOTE/BUG: a stack frame has already been established -- it must be popped
    bne     $a0,1,fn1
    move    $v0,$a0
    jr      $ra

    subi    $a0,$a0,1               # call for fibo(n-1)
    jal     fibo                    # recursive

    # NOTE/BUG: we must save the result for fibo(n-1) in our stack frame

    # NOTE/BUG: this is incorrect -- by doing it, we [effectively] do fibo(n-1)
    # again (i.e.) (n+1)-2 --> (n-1) and _not_ (n-2) as we wish
    # do one of these but _not_ both
    lw      $a0,4($sp)
    addi    $a0,$a0,1

    subi    $a0,$a0,2               # call for fibo(n-2)
    jal     fibo

    # NOTE/BUG: fibo(n-1) must be added to fibo(n-2)

    lw      $ra,0($sp)              # load ra
    lw      $fp,8($sp)

    # NOTE/BUG: this is misplaced because entering this block should already
    # have v0 set correctly
    lw      $t0,12($sp)
    add     $v0,$t0,$v0

    # NOTE/BUG: the correct way to restore $fp is using: lw $fp,8($sp)
    addu    $sp,$sp,32
    addu    $fp,$fp,32
    jr      $ra

Here's the working version:

msg_ask:    .asciiz     "Enter n for fibonacci(n) (-1=stop): "
msg_fibo:   .asciiz     "fibonacci(n) is: "
msg_nl:     .asciiz     "\n"

    # prompt user
    la      $a0,msg_ask
    li      $v0,4

    # get number from user
    li      $v0,5
    move    $a0,$v0
    bltz    $a0,main_exit

    jal     fibo
    move    $t2,$v0                 # save the result

    # print message
    la      $a0,msg_fibo
    li      $v0,4

    # print the result
    li      $v0,1
    move    $a0,$t2

    # print message
    la      $a0,msg_nl
    li      $v0,4

    j       main

    li      $v0,10

# fibo -- recursive fibonacci
#   v0 -- fibonacci(n)
# arguments:
#   a0 -- the "n" for the Nth fibonacci number
# registers:
#   t0 -- temporary
    # fibo(0) is 0 and fibo(1) is 1 -- no need to establish a stack frame
    bgt     $a0,1,fibo_full         # do we need recursion? if yes, fly
    move    $v0,$a0                 # no, just set return value
    jr      $ra                     # fast return

    # establish stack frame
    # we need an extra cell (to preserve the result of fibo(n-1))
    # this gives us a temp word at 0($sp)
    subu    $sp,$sp,12              # one more than we need
    sw      $ra,4($sp)
    sw      $a0,8($sp)

    subi    $a0,$a0,1               # call for fibo(n-1)
    jal     fibo                    # recursive
    sw      $v0,0($sp)              # save result in our frame (in extra cell)

    subi    $a0,$a0,1               # call for fibo(n-2)
    jal     fibo                    # recursive

    lw      $t0,0($sp)              # restore fibo(n-1) from our stack frame
    add     $v0,$t0,$v0             # result is: fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2)

    # restore from stack frame
    lw      $ra,4($sp)
    lw      $a0,8($sp)
    addu    $sp,$sp,12

    jr      $ra                     # return

Upvotes: 1

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