
Reputation: 4132

Ckeditor usage in Ember

I want to use CKEditor with my Ember app. I am 100% a n00b with Ember, but I'm getting there.

I have tried my darndest to figure this out, but I've gotten nowhere :(

I have tried to use ember-ckeditor. This ended up with the editor throwing a bunch of net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED errors for things such as config.js and other "assets" it expected to find in the assets folder.

I have tried ember-cli-ckeditor. Same exact issues as above.

These two addons have pretty lame documentation. For example, I have no idea how provide a custom config file, CSS, etc. Or what if I want to use CkFinder?

The two above addons also throw some depreciated warnings when loading up the server, but I disgress....

I finally tried to manually include ckeditor v4.5.6 in the vendor folder. I then included in ember-cli-build.js as such: app.import('vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); I'm not sure if I'm correct in doing this, and if so, how do I include use the editor plugin within my controller or component?

CKEDITOR.replace("content"); as per usual outside of Ember?

Please school me!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 892

Answers (2)

Gennady Dogaev
Gennady Dogaev

Reputation: 5991

To use ckeditor without addons (creating your own component):

  1. Install ckeditor using bower:

    bower install ckeditor --save
  2. Install broccoli-funnel, you will need it for ckeditor's assets:

    npm install broccoli-funnel --save-dev
  3. In your ember-cli-build.js:

    At the top of file requere funnel

    var Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');

    In app's options exclude ckeditor's assets from fingerprinting:

    var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
      fingerprint: {
        exclude: ['assets/ckeditor/']

    Import ckeditor's js and assets:

    var ckeditorAssets = new Funnel('bower_components/ckeditor', {
      srcDir: '/',
      destDir: '/assets/ckeditor'
     * If you need to use custom skin, put it into 
     * vendor/ckeditor/skins/<skin_name>
     * Also, custom plugins may be added in this way 
     * (look ckeditor's info for details)
     * If you don't need custom skins, you may remove
     * ckeditorCustoms
    var ckeditorCustoms = new Funnel('vendor/ckeditor', {
      srcDir: '/',
      destDir: '/assets/ckeditor'
    return app.toTree([ckeditorAssets, ckeditorCustoms]);
  4. If your app is not in website's root, you may need to put this script in body section of index.html, before other scripts:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/path-to/assets/ckeditor/';
  5. Create a component. Warning: this is a code from my abandoned pet project, and I'm 99% sure that it will not work for you "as is" because of missing dependencies and because it was created for different html layout. But I think it may help anyway. If you wish to try and copy-paste it, here are dependencies:

    npm install --save-dev ember-browserify
    npm install --save-dev sanitize-html

    Component's code:

    /* globals CKEDITOR */
    import Ember from 'ember';
    import layout from '../templates/components/md-ckeditor'; //component's name!
    import SanitizeHTML from 'npm:sanitize-html';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
      layout: layout,
      classNames: ['input-field'],
      _editor: null,
      bindAttributes: ['disabled', 'readonly', 'autofocus'],
      validate: false,
      errorsPath: 'errors',
      init() {
        const propertyPath = this.get('valueBinding._label');
        if (Ember.isPresent(propertyPath)) {
      didInsertElement() {
        var i18n = this.get('i18n');
        if (Ember.isPresent(this.get('icon'))) {
          this.$('> span').css('padding-left', '3rem');
        this._editor = CKEDITOR.inline(this.element.querySelector('.ckeditor'), {
          skin: 'minimalist',
          toolbar: [
            ['Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord'],
            ['Undo', 'Redo'],
            ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Strike'],
            ['Link', 'Unlink'],
            ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Blockquote'],
          linkShowAdvancedTab: false,
          linkShowTargetTab: false,
          language: i18n.get('locale'),
          removePlugins: 'elementspath'
        this._editor.on('instanceReady', (e) => {
        this._editor.on('change', (e) => {
          this.set('value', e.editor.getData());
        this._editor.on('focus', (e) => {
          var label = this.$('> label, > i');
        this._editor.on('blur', (e) => {
          var label = this.$('> label, > i');
          var text  = SanitizeHTML(e.editor.getData(), {
            allowedTags: []
          if (text !== '') {
          } else {
        this._editor = null;
      id: Ember.computed('elementId', function () {
        return `${this.get('elementId')}-input`;
      validClass: Ember.computed('value', 'errors', function () {
        var errors = this.get('errors');
        if (errors && errors.get && errors.get('firstObject')) {
          return 'invalid';
        } else if (!!this.get('value')) {
          return 'valid';
        } else {
          return '';
      validClassChanged:'validClass', function () {, '_updateValidClass');
      _updateValidClass() {
        if (this._editor && this._editor.container &&         this._editor.container.$) {
          Ember.$(this._editor.container.$).removeClass('invalid         valid').addClass(this.get('validClass'));
      _setupLabel() {
        const label = this.$('> label, > i');
        if (Ember.isPresent(this.get('value'))) {


    class="materialize-textarea ckeditor"
    classNameBindings="validate:validate: validClass"
    <label for="{{id}}">{{label}}</label>
    <small class="red-text">
         {{#if errors}} {{errors.firstObject}} {{else}} &nbsp; {{/if}}

Upvotes: 4

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