Reputation: 23
I want to play my wav on percussion background image area with my pushbutton, so i need my pushbutton invisible on my figure window.
My script:
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
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Views: 653
Reputation: 1693
To make your push button invisible when you click it, set visible
to off in the callback function
set(hObject, 'Visible', 'off')
To make it invisible from other parts/functions in your GUI, just replace hObject
with the handle of your push button.
You could make a clickable image and play different sounds for different click positions. Use the callback 'ButtonDownFcn'
to trigger at a click event in the image. You can the retrive the position of the click by using the axes property 'CurrentPoint'
. This return as 2x3 matrix with x-y-z projected coordinates. But as you are using a 2D plot you could simply pick the first 2 values, read more here.
Then use the x/y coordinates to find out what in the image that the user clicked on and play the sound for that.
A simple example:
% Draw an image
imHandle = image(imread(figPath));
% Set callback function (target function could have any name)
set(imHandle,'ButtonDownFcn', @ImgClickCB);
And the callback function (displays the x and y coord.)
function ImgClickCB(hObject, ~)
clickPoint = get( get(hObject,'Parent'), 'CurrentPoint');
fprintf('Clicked at x: %0.f y: %0.f \n', clickPoint(1,1), clickPoint(1,2));
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You might want to have a look at this blog entry where I discussed how to manipulate the CData property of uicontrols.
I've added some code below to show a simple example:
f = figure(); % create a figure with an axes on it
pb = uicontrol('Style','checkbox', 'Units','pixels', 'Position',[10 10 300 200], ...
'Callback',@(a,b)msgbox('play clown!'));
% read some data
data = load ( 'clown' );
% extract out the image
img = data.X;
% convert image to RGB for displaying on checkbox
img = ind2rgb(img,colormap(f));
% Set the cdata property of the checkbox to be the image of interest
set(pb, 'CData', img )
The above code creates a figure with an image of a clown which you can click on (this could be your drum). The "button" stays there the whole time you don't need to make it invisible
Note: I use a checkbox instead of a button -> because sometimes a button can have a "border" when its in focus which can detract from the image whereas a checkbox doesn't.
I've copied the image produced below (after I clicked on the button):
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Reputation: 32104
The following example hides, and shows a pushbutton.
I created a sample, without using guide
You can copy and paste the code into Matlab m
file for execution.
Creating GUI without guide
tool, better suit Stack Overflow site, because there is no need to attach a fig
You better use guide
tool, because creating a GUI without it is complicated.
The following code sample hide (and show) pushbutton:
%Create GUI with two buttons, without using GUIDE.
function TestNoGuideHideButton()
%Create figure.
h.fig = figure('position', [800 400 260 80]);
%Add button, with callback function Button1
h.buttonOne = uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton',...
'position',[10 20 100 40], ...
'string' , 'Button1', ...
'callback', {@Button1});
%Add button, with callback function hideButton
h.buttonTwo = uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', ...
'position',[150 20 100 40], ...
'string' , 'Hide Button1', ...
'callback', {@hideButton});
function Button1(hObject, eventdata)
%Modify color of Button1 to random color.
set(h.buttonOne, 'BackgroundColor', rand(1, 3));
function hideButton(hObject, eventdata)
is_visible = isequal(get(h.buttonOne, 'Visible'), 'on');
if (is_visible)
%Hide buttonOne if Visible.
set(h.buttonOne, 'Visible', 'off');
set(h.buttonTwo, 'string', 'Show Button1'); %Replace string.
%Restore buttonOne if hidden.
set(h.buttonOne, 'Visible', 'on');
set(h.buttonTwo, 'string', 'Hide Button1'); %Replace string.
For the problem you described above, you obviously can't add a button for showing and hiding the other button.
You can restore the button when playing finishes.
You can also add a callback function for the background figure (look for WindowButtonDownFcn
in guide
Pressing anywhere on the figure, triggers the callback, were you can restore the hidden button.
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