Reputation: 2048
I'm using haskell-opencv library. I don't know if another one is using it, or know something about it.
I was trying to use gaussianBlurImage, but there's an error that I can't recognize.
I have this:
cropped image = do
resized <- resizeImage image
gaussianBlurred <- gaussianBlurImage ((M.unsafeCoerceMat . getImageFromEither) resized)
Where resized is an Either CV.Exception (M.Mat shape channels depth) And I get from here ((M.unsafeCoerceMat . getImageFromEither) resized)
a Mat shape (S channels) (S depth)
as gaussianBlurImage function needs.
The I defined gaussianBlurImage so:
gaussianBlurImage image = runExceptT $ CV.pureExcept $ CV.gaussianBlur (V2 13 13 :: V2 Int32) 0 0 image
And for me, it looks fine. Similar as here: blur. But I get this error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘'True’ with actual type ‘Elem depth0 '[Word8, Word16, Float, Double]’
I noticed, that my gaussianBlurImage has this type:
gaussianBlurImage :: (M.Mat shape0 ('S channels0) ('S depth0)) -> Either CV.CvException (Either CV.CvException (M.Mat shape0 ('S channels0) ('S depth0)))
And I liked this one:
gaussianBlurImage :: (M.Mat shape0 ('S channels0) ('S depth0)) -> Either CV.CvException (M.Mat shape0 ('S channels0) ('S depth0))
Maybe it has something to do.
I tried it with medianBlur, blur and with gaussianBlur. I used a not resized image, and an image with three channels and another with 2 (color and gray), and I always get the same error. I'm wondering if the error is in M.unsafeCoerceMat image
. And why 'True
as expected type? I don't have idea
Upvotes: 1
Views: 195
Reputation: 2048
haskell-opencv is an excellent library, but sometimes it's difficult to use because there are a lot of documentation, but difficult to understand, and there are no many examples.
There, every Blur function need a (M.Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth))
matrix, but the matrix are usually so: (M.Mat shape channels depth)
, where 'S
tells it's static.
I use this function:
to have such a Matrix.
coerceMAt :: (ToShapeDS (Proxy shapeOut), ToChannelsDS (Proxy
channelsOut), ToDepthDS (Proxy depthOut))
=> Mat shapeIn channelsIn depthIn
-> CvExcept (Mat shapeOut channelsOut depthOut)
As it returns CVExcept
, I use exceptError :: CvExcept a -> a
to get just the image.
But the most important is the definition of the function. There was the problem in my code.
cannot be ambiguous, that's why I wrote:
forall height0 width0 channels depth . ( depth `In` '[Word8, Word16, Float, Double] , channels `In` '[1, 3, 4]) => M.Mat ('S '[height0, width0]) ('S channels) ('S depth) -> IO (M.Mat ('S '[height0, width0]) ('S channels) ('S depth))
Here's a complete example. I get an image, resize it, blur it and show it.
module Main where
import Lib
import qualified OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat as M
import Control.Monad ( void )
import qualified OpenCV as CV
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
main :: IO ()
main = do
test <- controller
CV.withWindow "test" $ \window -> do
CV.imshow window test
void $ CV.waitKey 10000
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Lib
( controller
) where
import BlurImage
import ResizeImage
import Utils
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Data.Word
import qualified OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat as M
import qualified OpenCV as CV
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
controller :: IO (CV.Mat (CV.S '[CV.D, CV.D]) (CV.S 1) (CV.S Word8))
controller = do
file <- B.readFile "path/to/image.jpg"
img <- return $ CV.imdecode CV.ImreadGrayscale file
resized_little_img <- resizeImage img --little image for making a blur in and find the receipt
blurImage ((CV.exceptError $ M.coerceMat resized_little_img) :: M.Mat (CV.S '[ CV.D, CV.D]) (CV.S 1) (CV.S Word8))
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module ResizeImage
) where
import Utils
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Word
import Data.Proxy
import qualified OpenCV as CV
import Linear.V2
import OpenCV.TypeLevel
import qualified OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat as M
import qualified OpenCV.Core.Types.Size as S
import qualified OpenCV.ImgProc.GeometricImgTransform as GIT
import GHC.Int (Int32)
resizingImage :: (M.Mat (CV.S [CV.D, CV.D]) CV.D CV.D) -> CV.CvExcept (M.Mat (CV.S [CV.D, CV.D]) CV.D CV.D)
resizingImage image = GIT.resize (GIT.ResizeAbs $ S.toSize $ (getSize w h Nothing (Just 500))) CV.InterCubic image
[h, w] = getHandW image
resizeImage :: (M.Mat (S '[CV.D, CV.D]) CV.D CV.D) -> IO(M.Mat (CV.S [CV.D, CV.D]) CV.D CV.D)
resizeImage image = do
resized <- return $ resizingImage image
return $ CV.exceptError $ resized
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module BlurImage
) where
import Utils
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import Data.Proxy
import qualified OpenCV as CV
import Linear.V2
import OpenCV.TypeLevel
import qualified OpenCV.Internal.Core.Types.Mat as M
import qualified OpenCV.Core.Types.Size as S
import qualified OpenCV.ImgProc.GeometricImgTransform as GIT
import GHC.Int (Int32)
medianBlurImage :: (depth `In` '[Word8, Word16, Float], channels `In` '[1, 3, 4]) => (M.Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth)) -> CV.CvExcept (M.Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth))
medianBlurImage image = CV.medianBlur image 13
gaussianBlurImage :: (depth `In` '[Word8, Word16, Float, Double], channels `In` '[1, 3, 4]) => (M.Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth)) -> CV.CvExcept (M.Mat shape ('S channels) ('S depth))
gaussianBlurImage image = CV.gaussianBlur (V2 13 13 :: V2 Int32) 0 0 image
blurImage :: forall height0 width0 channels depth . ( depth `In` '[Word8, Word16, Float, Double] , channels `In` '[1, 3, 4]) => M.Mat ('S '[height0, width0]) ('S channels) ('S depth) -> IO (M.Mat ('S '[height0, width0]) ('S channels) ('S depth))
blurImage image = do
gaussianBlurred <- return $ gaussianBlurImage image
return $ CV.exceptError $ gaussianBlurred
And that's it. :) I hope it can help someone.
Upvotes: 1