Reputation: 148
I have the following asp-classic code which appends 3 variables into an XML document, 'location_x', 'location_y' and 'date_and_time'.
The ASP-Classic code - creates or appends an existing XML document.
Function LoadObjecttoXML(strXMLFilePath, strFileName)
Dim objDom
Dim objGpx
Dim objWpt
Dim objRte
Dim objRtept
Dim objDateTime
Dim objattLat
Dim objattLon
Dim objPI
Dim blnFileExists
'Instantiate the Microsoft XMLDOM
Set objDom = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objDom.preserveWhiteSpace = True
blnFileExists = objDom.Load(strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
If blnFileExists = True Then
Set objGpx = objDom.documentElement
'GPX root element and append it to the XML document.
Set objGpx = objDom.createElement("gpx")
objDom.appendChild objGpx
End If
Set objWpt = objDom.createElement("wpt")
'Create "Lat" attribute'
Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
objattLat.Text = (location_x)
objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLat
'Create "Lon" attribute'
Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
objattLon.Text = (location_y)
objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLon
'Create "date_and_time" element'
Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)
'Append "wpt" element as a child container element "gpx".'
objGpx.appendChild objWpt
'Append the "time" element as a child of the "wpt" element'
objWpt.appendChild objDateTime
'Append "rte" element only once'
If blnFileExists = True Then
Set objRte = objDom.documentElement
Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
objGpx.appendChild objRte
End If
Set objRtept = objDom.createElement("rtept")
'Create "Lat" attribute'
Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
objattLat.Text = (location_x)
objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLat
'Create "Lon" attribute'
Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
objattLon.Text = (location_y)
objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLon
'Create "date_and_time" element'
Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)
'Append "rtept" element as a child container element "rte".'
objRte.appendChild objRtept
'Append the "time" element as a child of the "rtept" element'
objRtept.appendChild objDateTime
If blnFileExists = False Then
'Create the xml processing instruction - and append to XML file
Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0'")
objDom.insertBefore objPI, objDom.childNodes(0)
End If
'Save the XML document. strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName
Set objDom = Nothing
Set objGpx = Nothing
Set objWpt = Nothing
Set objRte = Nothing
Set objRtept = Nothing
Set objDateTime = Nothing
Set objattLat = Nothing
Set objattLon = Nothing
Set objPI = Nothing
Set blnFileExists = Nothing
End Function
On Error Resume Next
'File path c:\
LoadObjecttoXML "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\xml","doc.xml"
'error check
If err.number <> 0 then
Response.write("Error: " & err.number )
End If
The problem I have is when I append the variables for a second time, the appended XML isn't placed inside the correct elements.
For example the XML code would look something like this on the first append:
<wpt lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
<time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
<rtept lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
<time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
When I append for the second time:
<wpt lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
<time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
<rtept lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
<time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
<wpt lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
<time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>
<rtept lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
<time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>
I would like the XML to append like this:
<wpt lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
<time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
<wpt lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
<time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>
<rtept lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
<time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
<rtept lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
<time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>
I'd love to hear of any suggestions; hints or tips, on how I could achieve this.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2345
Reputation: 16950
Checking blnFileExists
is useless and irrelevant with rte
. Remove the following part first.
'Append "rte" element only once'
If blnFileExists = True Then
Set objRte = objDom.documentElement
Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
objGpx.appendChild objRte
End If
Instead you need to make sure that there's a rte
in the document.
To check whether a node exists you can use selectSingleNode. It simply returns the first matched object. If no nodes match the expression, returns Nothing
'Append "rte" element only once'
Set objRte = objGpx.SelectSingleNode("rte")
If objRte Is Nothing Then ' rte does not exist
Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
objGpx.appendChild objRte
End If
ASP File:
' junk variables required in the function
Dim location_x, location_y, date_and_time
location_x = 56
location_y = 43
date_and_time = Now
'calling function twice
'will result an example.xml file near the asp file
LoadObjecttoXML Server.Mappath("."), "example.xml"
LoadObjecttoXML Server.Mappath("."), "example.xml"
Function LoadObjecttoXML(strXMLFilePath, strFileName)
Dim objDom
Dim objGpx
Dim objWpt
Dim objRte
Dim objRtept
Dim objDateTime
Dim objattLat
Dim objattLon
Dim objPI
Dim blnFileExists
'Instantiate the Microsoft XMLDOM
Set objDom = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objDom.preserveWhiteSpace = True
blnFileExists = objDom.Load(strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName)
If blnFileExists = True Then
Set objGpx = objDom.documentElement
'GPX root element and append it to the XML document.
Set objGpx = objDom.createElement("gpx")
objDom.appendChild objGpx
End If
Set objWpt = objDom.createElement("wpt")
'Create "Lat" attribute'
Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
objattLat.Text = (location_x)
objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLat
'Create "Lon" attribute'
Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
objattLon.Text = (location_y)
objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLon
'Create "date_and_time" element'
Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)
'Append "wpt" element as a child container element "gpx".'
objGpx.appendChild objWpt
'Append the "time" element as a child of the "wpt" element'
objWpt.appendChild objDateTime
'Append "rte" element only once'
Set objRte = objGpx.SelectSingleNode("rte")
If objRte Is Nothing Then ' rte does not exist
Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
objGpx.appendChild objRte
End If
Set objRtept = objDom.createElement("rtept")
'Create "Lat" attribute'
Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
objattLat.Text = (location_x)
objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLat
'Create "Lon" attribute'
Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
objattLon.Text = (location_y)
objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLon
'Create "date_and_time" element'
Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)
'Append "rtept" element as a child container element "rte".'
objRte.appendChild objRtept
'Append the "time" element as a child of the "rtept" element'
objRtept.appendChild objDateTime
If blnFileExists = False Then
'Create the xml processing instruction - and append to XML file
Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0'")
objDom.insertBefore objPI, objDom.childNodes(0)
End If
'Save the XML document. strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName
Set objDom = Nothing
Set objGpx = Nothing
Set objWpt = Nothing
Set objRte = Nothing
Set objRtept = Nothing
Set objDateTime = Nothing
Set objattLat = Nothing
Set objattLon = Nothing
Set objPI = Nothing
Set blnFileExists = Nothing
End Function
example.xml Output (prettified manually):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wpt lat="56" lon="43">
<time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>
<rtept lat="56" lon="43">
<time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>
<rtept lat="56" lon="43">
<time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>
<wpt lat="56" lon="43">
<time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>
Upvotes: 1