Reputation: 1322
This might be a tricky question.
I will just cut to the chase. First i make a blank Bitmap image:
Bitmap MasterImage = new Bitmap(PageSize.Width, PageSize.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(MasterImage);
Afterwards: I get a parameter of how much images i want to place in the Blank Bitmap (page) based on columns and rows:
int numOfColumns=2; //(could be any value)
int numOfRows=4;
So we should get something like this:
I also get a parameter if i have some margin at top image and left image:
int PagetopMargin=0; //(could be any value)
int PageLeftMargin=0;
Than i have a variable called: imagesPath
which is type of List<String>
it contains full path of images.
Now i loop through images:
while (imagesPath.Count > 0)
Image image = Image.FromFile(imagesPath[0]);
//Logic comes here.
//after finishing processing and drawing images in Bitmap i remove image from list
What i am trying to achieve is how to place maximum images in that Bitmap page based on column/row and margin variables and preserving aspect ratio of images. (so images wont get distorted). if some images are left behind, its okey, i will continue next blank Bitmap to place them. just need to fill the Bitmap blank image to the full.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 130
Reputation: 54453
Here is a function to fit a rectangle into another, either centered or uncentered (aligned top-left):
Rectangle FitToBox(Rectangle scr, Rectangle dest, bool centered)
var ratioX = (double)dest.Width / scr.Width;
var ratioY = (double)dest.Height / scr.Height;
var ratio = Math.Min(ratioX, ratioY);
var newWidth = (int)(scr.Width * ratio);
var newHeight = (int)(scr.Height * ratio);
if (!centered)
return new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
return new Rectangle((dest.Width - newWidth) / 2,
(dest.Height - newHeight) / 2, newWidth, newHeight);
Its basic math is taken form this post.
Here is a test bed, centered and uncentered using different random values:
Random rnd = new Random();
int cols = rnd.Next(3) + 2;
int rows = rnd.Next(4) + 3;
int w = pan_dest.Width / cols;
int h = pan_dest.Height / rows;
using (Graphics G = pan_dest.CreateGraphics())
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
Rectangle rDest = new Rectangle(c * w, r * h, w, h);
Rectangle rSrc = new Rectangle(0, 0, rnd.Next(200) + 10, rnd.Next(200) + 10);
Rectangle rResult = FitToBox(rSrc, rDest, checkBox1.Checked);
Rectangle rDestPlaced = new Rectangle(c * w + (int)rResult.X,
r * h + rResult.Y, rResult.Width, rResult.Height);
using (Pen pen2 = new Pen(Color.SlateGray, 4f))
G.DrawRectangle(pen2, Rectangle.Round(rDest));
G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, rDestPlaced);
G.FillEllipse(Brushes.LightPink, rDestPlaced);
You would then draw your images like this:
G.DrawImage(someImageimg, rDestPlaced, rSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
This maximizes the image sizes, not the number of images you can fit on a page, as specified in your comment. For the latter you should look into something like 2-dimensional packing..
Upvotes: 2