Reputation: 439
I'm making a program that uses dynamic programming to decide how to distribute some files (Movies) among DVDs so that it uses the least number of DVDs.
After much thought I decided that a good way to do it is to look at every possible combination of movies that is less than 4.38 GB (The actual size of a DVD ) and pick the largest one (i.e. the one that wastes the least space) and remove the movies in the most efficient combination and repeat until it run out of movies.
The problem is that I don't know how to loop so I can figure out every possible combination, given that movies vary in size, so a specific number of nested loops cannot be used.
Some kind of loop:
if current_combination<4.38 and current_combination>best_combination_size:
delete best_combination from list_of_movies
first time to post a go easy on me guys!! Thanks in advance
P.S. I figured out a way to do it using Dijkstra's which I think would be fast but not memory friendly. If anybody is interested i would gladly discuss it.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 135
Reputation: 11885
Without claiming, that the solution this answer presents is optimized, optimal or possesses any other remarkable qualities, here a greedy approach to the dvd packing problem.
import System.Random
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
-- F# programmers are so used to this operator, I just cannot live without it ...yet.
(|>) a b = b a
data Dvd = Dvd { duration :: Int, movies :: [Int] } deriving (Show,Eq)
dvdCapacity = 1000 :: Int -- a dvd has capacity for 1000 time units - arbitrary unit
-- the duration of a movie is between 1 and 1000 time units
r = randomRs (1,1000) (mkStdGen 42) :: [Int]
-- our test data set of 1000 movies, random movie durations drawn from r
allMovies = zip [1..1000] (take 1000 r)
allMoviesSorted = reverse $ sortBy (comparing snd) allMovies
remainingCapacity dvd = dvdCapacity - duration dvd
emptyDvd = Dvd { duration = 0, movies = [] }
-- from the remaining movies, pick the largest one with at most maxDuration length.
pickLargest remaining maxDuration =
let (left,right) = remaining |> break (\ (a,b) -> b <= maxDuration)
(h,t) = case right of
[] -> (Nothing,[])
otherwise -> (Just (head right), right |> tail)
(h,[left, t] |> concat)
-- add a track (movie) to a dvd
addTrack dvd track =
Dvd {duration = (duration dvd) + snd track,
movies = fst track : (movies dvd) }
-- pick dvd from dvds with largest remaining capacity
-- and add the largest remaining fitting track
greedyPack movies dvds
| movies == [] = (dvds,[])
| otherwise =
let dvds' = reverse $ sortBy (comparing remainingCapacity) dvds
(picked,movies') =
case dvds' of
[] -> (Nothing, movies)
(x:xs) -> pickLargest movies (remainingCapacity x)
case picked of
Nothing ->
-- None of the current dvds had enough capacity remaining
-- tp pick another movie and add it. -> Add new empty dvd
-- and run greedyPack again.
greedyPack movies' (emptyDvd : dvds')
Just p ->
-- The best fitting movie could be added to the
-- dvd with the largest remaining capacity.
greedyPack movies' (addTrack (head dvds') p : tail dvds')
(result,residual) = greedyPack allMoviesSorted [emptyDvd]
usedDvdsCount = length result
totalPlayTime = allMovies |> foldl (\ s (i,d) -> s + d) 0
optimalDvdsCount = round $ 0.5 + fromIntegral totalPlayTime / fromIntegral dvdCapacity
solutionQuality = length result - optimalDvdsCount
Compared to the theoretical optimal dvd count it wastes 4 extra dvds on the given data set.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 33532
You should really stick to common bin-packing heuristics. The wikipedia article gives a good overview of approaches including links to problem-tailored exact approaches. But always keep in mind: it's an np-complete problem!
I will show you some example supporting my hint, that you should stick to heuristics.
The following python-code:
import numpy as np
from cvxpy import *
from time import time
""" Generate some test-data """
N = 150 # movies
means = [700, 1400, 4300]
stds = [100, 300, 500]
DVD_SIZE = 4400
movies = []
for movie in range(N):
while True:
random_mean_index = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(means))
random_size = np.random.randn() * stds[random_mean_index] + means[random_mean_index]
if random_size <= DVD_SIZE:
import binpacking
start = time()
bins = binpacking.to_constant_volume(movies, DVD_SIZE)
end = time()
print('Heuristic solution: ')
for b in bins:
print('used bins: ', len(bins))
print('used time (seconds): ', end-start)
""" Preprocessing """
movie_sizes_sorted = sorted(movies)
max_movies_per_dvd = 0
occupied = 0
for i in range(N):
if occupied + movie_sizes_sorted[i] <= DVD_SIZE:
max_movies_per_dvd += 1
occupied += movie_sizes_sorted[i]
""" Solve problem """
# Variables
X = Bool(N, N) # N * number-DVDS
I = Bool(N) # indicator: DVD used
# Constraints
constraints = []
# (1) DVDs not overfilled
for dvd in range(N):
constraints.append(sum_entries(mul_elemwise(movies, X[:, dvd])) <= DVD_SIZE)
# (2) All movies distributed exactly once
for movie in range(N):
constraints.append(sum_entries(X[movie, :]) == 1)
# (3) Indicators
for dvd in range(N):
constraints.append(sum_entries(X[:, dvd]) <= I[dvd] * (max_movies_per_dvd + 1))
# Objective
objective = Minimize(sum_entries(I))
# Problem
problem = Problem(objective, constraints)
start = time()
problem.solve(solver=GUROBI, MIPFocus=1, verbose=True)
#problem.solve(solver=CBC, CliqueCuts=True)#, GomoryCuts=True, KnapsackCuts=True, verbose=True)#, GomoryCuts=True, MIRCuts=True, ProbingCuts=True,
#CliqueCuts=True, FlowCoverCuts=True, LiftProjectCuts=True,
end = time()
""" Print solution """
for dvd in range(N):
movies_ = []
for movie in range(N):
if np.isclose(X.value[movie, dvd], 1):
if movies_:
for movie in movies_:
print(' movie with size: ', movie)
print('Distributed ', N, ' movies to ', int(objective.value), ' dvds')
print('Optimizatio took (seconds): ', end-start)
Heuristic solution:
('used bins: ', 60)
('used time (seconds): ', 0.0045168399810791016)
Root relaxation: objective 2.142857e+01, 1921 iterations, 0.10 seconds
Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time
0 0 21.42857 0 120 106.00000 21.42857 79.8% - 0s
H 0 0 68.0000000 21.42857 68.5% - 0s
H 0 0 63.0000000 21.42857 66.0% - 0s
0 0 21.42857 0 250 63.00000 21.42857 66.0% - 1s
H 0 0 62.0000000 21.42857 65.4% - 2s
0 0 21.42857 0 256 62.00000 21.42857 65.4% - 2s
0 0 21.42857 0 304 62.00000 21.42857 65.4% - 2s
0 0 21.42857 0 109 62.00000 21.42857 65.4% - 3s
0 2 21.42857 0 108 62.00000 21.42857 65.4% - 4s
40 2 27.61568 20 93 62.00000 27.61568 55.5% 110 5s
H 156 10 61.0000000 58.00000 4.92% 55.3 8s
262 4 59.00000 84 61 61.00000 59.00000 3.28% 44.2 10s
413 81 infeasible 110 61.00000 59.00000 3.28% 37.2 15s
H 417 78 60.0000000 59.00000 1.67% 36.9 15s
1834 1212 59.00000 232 40 60.00000 59.00000 1.67% 25.7 20s
57011 44660 infeasible 520 60.00000 59.00000 1.67% 27.1 456s
57337 44972 59.00000 527 34 60.00000 59.00000 1.67% 27.1 460s
58445 45817 59.00000 80 94 60.00000 59.00000 1.67% 26.9 466s
59387 46592 59.00000 340 65 60.00000 59.00000 1.67% 26.8 472s
Some observations regarding the example above:
Heuristics are very easy to implement and provide very good solutions in general. Most of these also come with very good theoretical guarantees (e.g. at most 11/9 opt + 1 #DVDs compared to optimal solution are used = first fit decreasing heuristic). Despite the fact, that i'm keen on optimization in general, i probably would use the heuristics-approach here.
The general problem is also very popular, so that there should exist some good library for this problem in many programming-languages!
Upvotes: 1