
Reputation: 4784

linear interpolation -- make grid

I want to interpolate between different models. To make things easier, my data is shown below:

enter image description here

I have 10 different simulations (which I will call z). For each z I have an array x and an array y (where for a given z, len(x)=len(y)). For example:

for z=1: x.shape=(1200,) and y.shape=(1200,)

for z=2: x.shape=(1250,) and y.shape=(1250,)

for z=3: x.shape=(1236,) and y.shape=(1236,)

and so on ...

I want to interpolate so that for a given z and x, I get y. For example, for z=2.5 and x=10**9, the code outputs y. I am assuming that:

y = a*x + b*z + c where of course I don't know a, b, and c.

My question is that how do I store the data in a grid? I am confused since for a different z the size of x and y differs. How is it possible to build a grid?


I was able to partially solve my problem. What I did first is that I interpolated between x and y using interp1d. It worked perfectly fine. I then created a new grid of x and y values. Briefly the method is:

f = interp1d(x, y, kind='linear')
new_x = np.linspace(10**7, 4*10**9, 10000)
new_y = f(new_x)

I then interpolated x, y, and z:

ff = LinearNDInterpolator( (x, z), y)

To test whether the method work, here's a plot with z=3.

enter image description here

The plot looks good till x=10**8. Indeed, the line deviates from the original model. Here's a plot when I further zoom in:

enter image description here

The interpolation obviously is not good when x > 10**8. How can I fix it?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1390

Answers (2)

What you're doing seems a bit weird to me, at least you seem to use a single set of y values to do the interpolation. What I suggest is not performing two interpolations one after the other, but considering your y(z,x) function as the result of a pure 2d interpolation problem.

So as I noted in a comment, I suggest using scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator, the same object that griddata uses under the hood for bilinear interpolatin. As we've also discussed in comments, you need to have a single interpolator that you can query multiple times afterwards, so we have to use the lower-level interpolator object, as that is callable.

Here's a full example of what I mean, complete with dummy data and plotting:

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# create dummy data
zlist = range(4)  # z values
# one pair of arrays for each z value in a list:
xlist = [np.linspace(-1,1,41),
funlist = [lambda x:0.1*np.ones_like(x),
           lambda x:0.2*np.cos(np.pi*x)+0.4,
           lambda x:np.exp(-2*x**2)+0.5,
           lambda x:-0.7*np.abs(x)+1.7]
ylist = [f(x) for f,x in zip(funlist,xlist)]

# create contiguous 1d arrays for interpolation
all_x = np.concatenate(xlist)
all_y = np.concatenate(ylist)
all_z = np.concatenate([np.ones_like(x)*z for x,z in zip(xlist,zlist)])

# create a single linear interpolator object
yfun = interp.LinearNDInterpolator((all_z,all_x),all_y)

# generate three interpolated sets: one with z=2 to reproduce existing data,
# two with z=1.5 and z=2.5 respectively to see what happens
xplot = np.linspace(-1,1,30)
z = 2
y_repro = yfun(z,xplot)
z = 1.5
y_interp1 = yfun(z,xplot)
z = 2.5
y_interp2 = yfun(z,xplot)

# plot the raw data (markers) and the two interpolators (lines)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
for x,y,z,mark in zip(xlist,ylist,zlist,['s','o','v','<','^','*']):
ax.plot(xplot,y_repro,'-',label='z=2 interp')
ax.plot(xplot,y_interp1,'-',label='z=1.5 interp')
ax.plot(xplot,y_interp2,'-',label='z=2.5 interp')
# reduce plot size and put legend outside for prettiness, see also
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))


You didn't specify how you series of (x,y) array pairs are stored, I used a list of numpy ndarrays. As you see, I flattened the list of 1d arrays into a single set of 1d arrays: all_x, all_y, all_z. These can be used as scattered y(z,x) data from which you can construct the interpolator object. As you can see in the result, for z=2 it reproduces the input points, and for non-integer z it interpolates between the relevant y(x) curves.

This method should be applicable to your dataset. One note, however: you have huge numbers on a logarithmic scale on your x axis. This alone could lead to numeric instabilities. I suggest that you also try performing the interpolation using log(x), it might behave better (this is just a vague guess).

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 339745

It seems that in your problem the curves y(x) are well behaving, so you could probably just interpolate y(x) for the given values of z first and then interpolate between the obtained y-values afterwards.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider

import random

# Generate some data
generate = lambda x, z: 1./(x+1.)+(z*x/75.+z/25.)

def f(z):
    #create an array of values between zero and 100 of random length
    x = np.linspace(0,10., num=random.randint(42,145))
    #generate corresponding y values
    y = generate(x, z)
    return np.array([x,y])

Z = [1, 2, 3, 3.6476, 4, 5.1]
A = [f(z) for z in Z]
#now A contains the dataset of [x,y] pairs for each z value

# Interpolation
def do_interpolation(x,z):
    #assume Z being sorted in ascending order
    #look for indizes of z values closest to given z
    ig = np.searchsorted(Z, z)
    il = ig-1
    #interpolate y(x) for those z values
    yg = np.interp(x, A[ig][0,:], A[ig][1,:])
    yl = np.interp(x, A[il][0,:], A[il][1,:])
    #linearly interpolate between yg and yl  
    return yl + (yg-yl)*float(z-Z[il])/(Z[ig] - Z[il])  

# do_interpolation(x,z) will now provide the interpolated data
print do_interpolation( np.linspace(0, 10), 2.5) 

# Plotting, use Slider to change the value of z. 
for i in range(len(Z)):
    ax.plot(A[i][0,:] , A[i][1,:], label="{z}".format(z=Z[i]) )

l, = ax.plot(np.linspace(0, 10) , do_interpolation( np.linspace(0, 10), 2.5), label="{z}".format(z="interpol"), linewidth=2., color="k" )

axn1 = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg='#e4e4e4')
sn1 = Slider(axn1, 'z', Z[0], Z[-1], valinit=2.5)
def update(val):
    l.set_data(np.linspace(0, 10), do_interpolation( np.linspace(0, 10), val))


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