Reputation: 729
I am trying to call the following pl/sql procedure from JDBC.
create or replace PACKAGE test AS
type testrec_r is record (
val1 number,
val2 varchar2(100)
type testarr_t is table of testrec_r index by binary_integer;
function test_func(i_data in testarr_t, o_sum out number, o_totallength out number) return number;
END test;
This is how I tried to invoke it, but without success:
StructDescriptor recDescriptor = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("test.testrec_r", conn);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
STRUCT oracle_record = new STRUCT(recDescriptor, conn, new
Object[] {i, "test"});
RECORDS_ARRAY[i] = oracle_record;
CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{ call TEST.TEST_FUNC(?, ?, ?) }");
ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("TEST.TESTARR_T", conn);
ARRAY oracle_array = new ARRAY(arrayDescriptor, conn, RECORDS_ARRAY);
// Bind the input record
stmt.setArray(1, oracle_array);
stmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.NUMERIC);
stmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.NUMERIC);
double out1 = stmt.getDouble(2);
double out2 = stmt.getDouble(3);
return new Object[] { out1, out2 };
I just have read that oracle jdbc does not support pl/sql struct types. So, this fails with "invalid name pattern: test.testrec_r"
How can I call this procedure from Java? Ideally would be to only use a java libray/API, but as this seems almost imposible, which is the best workaround to wrap the pl/sql package in simple sql call and to invoke it?
P.S I am using Spring JDBCTemplate for database connection.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2928
Reputation: 3697
You cannot use PL/SQL types because they known to PL/SQL alone (since 12c this is no more strictly true - see UPD). Also any type created within a package is not visible by java directly.
You should create a SQL type at schema level. SQL types are visible to all and usable by all.
create or replace and compile java source named "ArrayOfRecTest" as
import java.sql.*;
import oracle.sql.*;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
public class ArrayOfRecTest
public static void passArrayOfRec() throws SQLException
Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
StructDescriptor sd = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("MYREC_TYPE", conn);
ArrayDescriptor ad = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("MYRECARR_TYPE", conn);
STRUCT[] recarr = new STRUCT[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { recarr[i] = new STRUCT(sd, conn, new Object[] {i+1, "value " + (i+1)}); }
ARRAY oracle_array = new ARRAY(ad, conn, recarr);
CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{ ? = call testpkg.showArrOfRec(?, ?, ?) }");
stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
stmt.setObject(2, oracle_array);
stmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER);
stmt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.INTEGER);
int sizeofArr = stmt.getInt(1);
int total = stmt.getInt(3);
int totalLength = stmt.getInt(4);
System.out.println("passArrayOfRec(total,len)=(" + total + "," + totalLength + ") " + sizeofArr + " records were shown");
create or replace force type myrec_type as object( id number, value varchar2(100));
create or replace type myrecarr_type as table of myrec_type;
create or replace package testpkg as
procedure passArrayOfRec as language java name 'ArrayOfRecTest.passArrayOfRec()' ;
function showArrOfRec(ra myrecarr_type, total out number, totallength out number) return number;
end testpkg;
create or replace package body testpkg as
--OP stuff
type testrec_r is record (val1 number, val2 varchar2(100));
type testarr_t is table of testrec_r index by binary_integer;
function test_func(data in testarr_t, total out number, totallength out number) return number is
<<for_each>> for i in loop
dbms_output.put_line('data(' || i || ')[val1,val2]=[' || data(i).val1 || ',' || data(i).val2 || ']');
total := nvl(total,0) + data(i).val1;
totallength := nvl(totallength,0) + length(data(i).val2);
end loop for_each;
return data.count;
end test_func;
--end OP stuff
function showArrOfRec(ra myrecarr_type, total out number, totallength out number) return number is
data testarr_t;
for i in ra.first..ra.last loop data(i).val1 := ra(i).id; data(i).val2 := ra(i).value; end loop;
return test_func(data, total, totalLength);
end showArrOfRec;
end testpkg;
exec testpkg.passArrayOfRec;
data(1)[val1,val2]=[1,value 1]
data(2)[val1,val2]=[2,value 2]
passArrayOfRec(total,len)=(3,14) 2 records were shown
UPD New in 12cR1: Using PL/SQL Types
Upvotes: 2