Reputation: 113
I need to select a substring based on fixed character length till Nth space. Let me explain the problem.
Let's assume I have three different strings:
If I select 20 character from the beginning of the string I get the following substring sequentially
But I want my substring (which is at most 20 characters long) like this
That is, I do not want any partial word between two whitespaces
Please help me to generate the query.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 904
For Oracle (it should be possible to translate this to SQL Server, but I don't know SQL Server:
In the test data below I added two more examples to test if this is working as needed.
inputs ( str ) as (
select 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit' from dual union all
select 'Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit' from dual union all
select 'Loremipsumdolorsitametconsedtetur' from dual union all
select 'Lorem ipsumdolorsit amet, consectetur etc.' from dual union all
select 'Lorem ipsum dolorsitamet, consectetur adipiscing elit' from dual union all
select 'abcdef ghijk lmno' from dual
prep ( str, flag, fragment ) as (
select str,
case when length(str) <= 20 or substr(str, 21, 1) = ' ' then 1 end,
substr(str, 1, 20)
from inputs
select str,
case flag when 1 then fragment
else substr(fragment, 1, instr(fragment, ' ', -1) - 1) end
as new_str
from prep;
------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsumdolor sit
Lorem ipsumdolorsit amet, consectetur etc. Lorem ipsumdolorsit
Lorem ipsum dolorsitamet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum
abcdef ghijk lmno abcdef ghijk lmno
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 81970
If SQL Server and if you don't mind a UDF.
Declare @YourTable table (SomeText varchar(500))
Insert Into @YourTable values
('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'),
('Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit'),
('Lorem ipsum dolorsitamet, consectetur adipiscing elit')
Declare @MaxLen int = 20
Select *,Trimmed = [dbo].[udf-Str-TrimToWord](SomeText,@MaxLen)
From @YourTable
SomeText Trimmed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsumdolor
Lorem ipsum dolorsitamet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-Str-TrimToWord] (@String varchar(max),@MaxLen int)
Returns varchar(max)
Return LEFT(@String,@MaxLen-CharIndex(' ' ,Reverse(Left(@String,@MaxLen))))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11195
select substr(substr(MyField,1,20), 1, instr(substr(MyField,1,20), ' ',-1,1))
from MyTable
SQL Server
SELECT LEFT(MyField, 20 - CHARINDEX (' ' ,REVERSE(LEFT(MyField,20))))
FROM MyTable
Upvotes: 2