Reputation: 431
I am developing an interactive app with bokeh (0.12.2) that updates plots based on specific interactions.
For now I use sliders to change positions of a glyph in a plot, but I actually want to access the position of my mouse within a specific plot.
The dataset is a multidimensional matrix (tensor), dense data, and each plot displays one dimension at a specific location. If I change the position of the marker glyph on one plot, the other plots need to be updated, which means I have to slice my dataset according to the updated position.
Here's a simple example I tried to get the mouse data in my bokeh server update function using the hover tool:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, HoverTool
from import curdoc
s = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1]))
callback = CustomJS(args=dict(s=s), code="""
var geometry = cb_data['geometry'];
var mouse_x = geometry.x;
var mouse_y = geometry.y;
var x = s.get('data')['x'];
var y = s.get('data')['y'];
x[0] = mouse_x;
y[0] = mouse_y;
hover_tool = HoverTool(callback=callback)
p = figure(x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1), tools=[hover_tool])'x', y='y', source=s)
def update():
curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 1000)
Unfortunately, the server only outputs:
{'y': [0, 1], 'x': [0, 1]}
{'y': [0, 1], 'x': [0, 1]}
{'y': [0, 1], 'x': [0, 1]}
{'y': [0, 1], 'x': [0, 1]}
Is there a way to access the mouse position (in python code)? Even accessing the position of a glyph would be sufficient (because I can change the position of the glyph with some javascript code).
EDIT: So I recently found out that there is this tool_events.on_change() that I could use for this purpose. Unfortunately it does only work for TapTool, LassoSelectTool and BoxSelectTool, not for HoverTool:
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from import curdoc
from import BoxSelectTool, TapTool, HoverTool, LassoSelectTool
from bokeh.models.ranges import Range1d
TOOLS = [TapTool(), LassoSelectTool(), BoxSelectTool(), HoverTool()]
p = figure(tools=TOOLS,
x_range=Range1d(start=0.0, end=10.0),
y_range=Range1d(start=0.0, end=10.0))
def tool_events_callback(attr, old, new):
print attr, 'callback', new
p.tool_events.on_change('geometries', tool_events_callback)
Based on an answer I found here: How can I get data from a ColumnDataSource object which is synchronized with local variables of Bokeh's CustomJS function?. The problem with this solution is that I cannot use pan and trigger the tool_events callback. I can only click (TapTool) or pan and trigger a callback only once (Lasso/BoxSelectTool). I actually wish to trigger such a callback on every mouse move..
Upvotes: 7
Views: 2146
Reputation: 431
So I recently found out that you can use custom models for this purpose. This means, extending an existing tool, e.g. GestureTool but implementing / overriding your own functions. You need to run a bokeh server (obviously).
$ bokeh serve dir_with_mainfile/
What I am using right now is the following: Create a file
from bokeh.models import Tool
class MouseMoveTool(Tool):
# assuming your models are saved in subdirectory models/
with open('models/', 'r') as f:
controls =
__implementation__ = controls
Then create
p = require "core/properties"
GestureTool = require "models/tools/gestures/gesture_tool"
class MouseMoveToolView extends GestureTool.View
### Override the _pan function ###
_pan: (e) ->
frame = @plot_model.frame
canvas = @plot_view.canvas
vx = canvas.sx_to_vx(
vy = canvas.sy_to_vy(
if not frame.contains(vx, vy)
return null
# x and y are your mouse coordinates relative to the axes values
x = frame.x_mappers.default.map_from_target(vx)
y = frame.y_mappers.default.map_from_target(vy)
# update the model's geometry attribute. this will trigger
# the tool_events.on_change('geometries', ..) callback
# in your python code.
@plot_model.plot.tool_events.geometries = [{x:x, y:y}]
class MouseMoveTool extends GestureTool.Model
default_view: MouseMoveToolView
type: "MouseMoveTool"
tool_name: "Mouse Move Tool"
icon: "bk-tool-icon-pan"
event_type: "pan"
default_order: 13
module.exports =
Model: MouseMoveTool
View: MouseMoveToolView
After that you can use your tool in your program:
from models.MouseMoveTool import MouseMoveTool
p = figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=300, tools=[MouseMoveTool()])
p.tool_events.on_change('geometries', on_mouse_move)
def on_mouse_move(attr, old, new):
print new[0] # will print {x:.., y:..} coordinates
Upvotes: 6