
Reputation: 37

Checkboxgroupinput in R Shiny with Plotly

Love all the help here so far, but having to teach myself R / Shiny, with no one in the office to help, I am unfortunately stuck again!!

I am trying to do checkboxgroups in Shiny. I read quite a bit, for example this, this, this, this and this already helped, but I am stuck now.

So my data set "ConversionsCompletions" looks now something like this :

 date     |   goal1completions | goal
01012016  |         4          | goal1
01012016  |        10          | goal2 
01012016  |         8          | goal3
01012016  |        13          | goal4 
02012016  |         6          | goal1
02012016  |         7          | goal2   


                          checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup", label = h3("Goal"), 
                                             choices = c("Goal 1" = "goal1",
                                                            "Goal 2" = "goal2", 
                                                            "Goal 3" = "goal3",
                                                            "Goal 4" = "goal4",
                                                            "Goal 5" = "goal5",
                                                            "Goal 6" = "goal6",
                                                            "Goal 7" = "goal7"),
                                             selected = "Goal 1")



filteredData <- reactive({ 

  filter(ConversionsCompletions[ConversionsCompletions$goal %in% input$checkGroup,])

 output$Conversionrate1 <- renderPlotly({
 plot_ly(filteredData(), x = ConversionsCompletions$date, y = ConversionsCompletions$goal1Completions, mode = "lines + markers", hoverinfo = y) 


There is a graph, but it doesn't change when I switch boxes, or shows more than one line at a time. I know usually you need to add the "add_trace" code for plotly charts, so I am not sure how to do it in this case when sometimes there is one line and sometimes multiple.

Any help appreciated!!

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1650

Answers (1)

Michal Majka
Michal Majka

Reputation: 5471

To render a graph properly, you have to use filteredData() and slightly change syntax.

As the first parameter data you should use the filtered dataset and then for x and y variables the appropriate names with a prefix ~.

To plot multiple lines you can use another parameter split. I had to change hoverinfo = y to hoverinfo = "y" otherwise it didn't work (I have the newest version of plotly)

      data = filteredData(),  
      x = ~date,
      y = ~goal1completions,
      split = ~goal,
      mode = "lines + markers",
      hoverinfo = "y" # "y" instead of y ... at least in the newest version

I also used setNames function to make the code for checkboxGroupInput shorter.

setNames(object = paste0("goal", 1:7), 
         nm = paste0("Goal ", 1:7))

You don't need the dplyr function filter for subsetting - at least in this in this case.


I converted the numeric variable date into a date format:

ConversionsCompletions <- read.table("~/Downloads/data", header = T)
d <- as.character(ConversionsCompletions$date)
d <-  paste0(substr(d, 0, 2), "-", substr(d, 3, 4), "-", substr(d, start = 4,          7))
ConversionsCompletions$date <- as.Date(d, format = "%d-%m-%Y")

Full example:


rm(ui) ; rm(server)

# use example data
ConversionsCompletions <- read.table("~/Downloads/data", header = T)
d <- as.character(ConversionsCompletions$date)
d <-  paste0(substr(d, 0, 2), "-", substr(d, 3, 4), "-", substr(d, start = 4, 7))
ConversionsCompletions$date <- as.Date(d, format = "%d-%m-%Y")

ui <- fluidPage(
  checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup", label = h3("Goal"), 
                     setNames(object = paste0("goal", 1:7), 
                              nm = paste0("Goal ", 1:7)),
                     selected = "Goal 1"),

server <- function(input, output) { 

  filteredData <- reactive({ 
    # no need for "filter"
    ConversionsCompletions[ConversionsCompletions$goal %in% input$checkGroup, ]

  output$Conversionrate1 <- renderPlotly({
    # use filteredData() instead of the full dataset
      x = ~date,
      y = ~goal1completions,
      split = ~goal,
      mode = "lines + markers",
      hoverinfo = "y" # "y" instead of y ... at least in the newest version

shinyApp(ui, server)

enter image description here

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