
Reputation: 799

writing zip file to file in Clojure

I have a method for zipping:

    (defn zip-project [project-id notebooks files]
  (with-open [out (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
              zip (ZipOutputStream. out)]
    (doseq [nb notebooks]
      (.putNextEntry zip (ZipEntry. (str "Notebooks/" (:notebook/name nb) ".bkr")))
      (let [nb-json (:notebook/contents nb)
            bytes (.getBytes nb-json)]
        (.write zip bytes))
      (.closeEntry zip))
    (doseq [{:keys [name content]} files]
      (.putNextEntry zip (ZipEntry. (str "Files/" name)))
      (io/copy content zip)
      (.closeEntry zip))
    (.finish zip)
    (.toByteArray out)))

after I make a zip I want to save it into the file something like /tmp/sample/, but I cannot seem to make it. here is what I am doing:

(defn create-file! [path zip]
  (let [f (io/file path)]
    (io/make-parents f)
    (io/copy zip f)

The problem is, when I run unzip from terminal it says that zip file is empty and if I unzip it using Archive utility it extracts with cpgz extension.

What am I doing wrong here?

Upvotes: 8

Views: 726

Answers (1)


Reputation: 7144

You will need essentially 4 things

  1. Import everything (normally you would use (ns ...) but you can run this in the repl

    (import '
    (import '
    (import '
    (import '
    (import '
  2. You need a way to initialize the stream. This can be done nicely with the -> macro:

    (defn zip-stream
      "Opens a ZipOutputStream over the given file (as a string)"
      (-> (FileOutputStream. file)
  3. You need a way to create/close entries in the ZipOutputStream

    (defn create-zip-entry
      "Create a zip entry with the given name. That will be the name of the file inside the zipped file."
      [stream entry-name]
      (.putNextEntry stream (ZipEntry. entry-name)))
  4. Finally you need a way to write your content.

    (defn write-to-zip
      "Writes a string to a zip stream as created by zip-stream"
      [stream str]
      (.write stream (.getBytes str)))
  5. Putting it all together:

    (with-open [stream (zip-stream "")]
      (create-zip-entry stream "foo1.txt")
      (write-to-zip stream "Hello Foo1")
      (.closeEntry stream) ;; don't forget to close entries
      (create-zip-entry stream "foo2.txt")
      (write-to-zip stream "Hello Foo 2")
      (.closeEntry stream))
  6. The result:

The result

Upvotes: 3

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