Reputation: 117
I need to count the element's position each time the user change windows I create a directive.
'use strict';
angular.module "myApp"
.directive 'uibPosition',['$position','$document','$timeout', ($position,$document,$timeout)->
return {
restrict: 'EAC',
link: (scope, element, attr) ->
//I want to Trigger this event when user change windows height
$timeout ->
if $document.height() - $position.position(element).top < 500
element[0].querySelector('.custom-popup-wrapper') = 'auto'
element[0].querySelector('.custom-popup-wrapper').style.bottom = 40 + 'px'
element[0].querySelector('.custom-popup-wrapper') = $position.position(element).top+40+'px'
how to do it?I really appreciate it
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Views: 205
Reputation: 309
You can add the watcher to the directive:
var w = angular.element($window);
scope.getWindowDimensions = function () {
return {
"h": w.height(),
"w": w.width()
var watcherTimeout;
scope.$watch(scope.getWindowDimensions, function (newValue) {
watcherTimeout = $timeout(function(){
scope.callback(); // call callback function
}, 300);
}, true);
w.bind("resize", function () {
Upvotes: 1