Reputation: 4547
It used to work, but now I changed my project to [email protected]
with its new rollup
and es2015
bundling/modules. I'm not able to get lodash
is there, but in the wrong place -- the methods I need are in _.default
npm steps
npm install lodash --save
npm install @types/lodash --save-dev --save-exact
import * as _ from "lodash";
console.log( Object.keys(_) ) // ["default", "__moduleExports"]
console.log(_.default.VERSION) // 4.16.2
What's happening?
import _ from "lodash"; // imports as lodash, not _
// Chrome debugger console:
console.log(_) // VM2037:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined(…)
console.log(lodash) // function
console.log(Object.keys(lodash)) // returns: VM2075:1 ["templateSettings", "after", "ary", "assign", ...]
update 2
Maybe it's something with Chrome Debugger + Rollup? I changed my code to import _ from "lodash";
and it works fine -- except in the debugger console...
console.log(">>> _.keys(_): " + _.keys(_).slice(10, 20));
// >>> _.keys(_): bindAll,bindKey,castArray,chain,chunk,compact,concat,cond,conforms,constant
// and the _.sortBy() below works fine
var sorted = _.sortBy(photos, function (o) {
return o[sort.key];
// BUT, in the Chrome debugger (at breakpoint)
console.log(_) // VM2037:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: _ is not defined(…)
and in fact, when I look at the main.js
and not the source map, I see signs of tree-shaking(?):
console.log(">>> _.keys(_): " + lodash.keys(lodash).slice(10, 20));
var sorted = lodash.sortBy(photos, function (o) {
return o[sort.key];
It seems like my problem is with the Chrome debug console, but I'm not sure how to address it...
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4745
Reputation: 67336
The issue is that you are using import * as
in your import. This will not select the defaults.
Use syntax that will import defaults instead:
import _ from "lodash"
Here is a link to the documentation
It seems that rollup attempts to tree-shake the bundle using the static imports. Therefore, it needs a lodash dependency that is ES6 as well. Try to install the lodash-es package instead and then import it:
import _ from "lodash-es"
Upvotes: 4