Reputation: 8449
I'm a beginner at Haskell, Parsec, and writing parsers in general. I'm trying to parse a simple language, which (simplifying it further for the sake of this question) consists simply of strings of nested brackets, e.g. [[][]][]
I have the Haskell code below, which works fine. However, I would like to extend it so that unmatched brackets will match against the end of the string. So for example, ]][][[
should be equivalent to [[]][][[]]
, and []]
should be equivalent to [[]]
. Doing this for open brackets matching the end of the string is easy, but doing it for closed brackets matching the start of the string results in left recursion and infinite loops, and I haven't figured out a way to resolve that. I am not sure if the reason has to do with the way I'm thinking about the grammar or the way I'm using the Parsec library, but either way I'd appreciate being shown the way forward.
Here is the working code I have:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Control.Applicative
-- for testing
parse rule text = Parsec.parse rule "(source)" text
data Expr = Brackets [Expr]
openBracket = Parsec.char '['
closeBracket = Parsec.char ']'
parseBrackets = do
expr <- Parsec.between openBracket closeBracket parseExpr
return $ Brackets expr
parseExpr = Parsec.many parseBrackets
If I want closed brackets to match against the end of the string I can just change the definition of closeBracket
closeBracket = (Parsec.char ']' >> return ()) <|> Parsec.eof
But despite quite a bit of trial and error I haven't found a solution to match unmatched ]
s against the start of the string. I know that the usual solution to left recursion in Parsec is the chainl1
function, but that seems to be quite specialised for infix operators and I can't see a way to use it here.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 704
Reputation: 8449
Here is a self-answer, based on redneb's improvements to my code. This version covers cases like []]
in which redneb's code ignores the unmatched ]
s rather than matching them against the start of the string.
This code works by simply parsing the whole expression as a ]
-separated list of balanced expressions, and then explicitly building up the parse tree from that list. This feels somehow like admitting defeat, since the construction of the parse tree happens in a separate step from the actual parsing. Then again that seems to be how chainl1
works, so perhaps it's the "right way" after all. I won't accept my own answer in case anyone else has a better solution.
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Applicative
-- for testing
parse rule text = Parsec.parse rule "(source)" text
data Expr = Brackets [Expr]
parseTopLevel :: Parser [Expr]
parseTopLevel = do
exprList <- parseExprAsList
return $ composeExpr exprList
composeExpr :: [[Expr]] -> [Expr]
composeExpr [exprList] = exprList
composeExpr (exprList:next:tail) = composeExpr $ (Brackets exprList:next) : tail
parseExprAsList :: Parser [[Expr]]
parseExprAsList = Parsec.sepBy parseBalancedExpr (Parsec.char ']')
parseBalancedExpr :: Parser [Expr]
parseBalancedExpr = Parsec.many parseBrackets
parseBrackets :: Parser Expr
parseBrackets = do
expr <- Parsec.between openBracket closeBracket parseBalancedExpr
return $ Brackets expr
openBracket :: Parser ()
openBracket = void $ Parsec.char '['
closeBracket :: Parser ()
closeBracket = (void $ Parsec.char ']') <|> Parsec.eof
Some test cases:
*Main> parse parseTopLevel "[]]"
Right [Brackets [Brackets []]]
*Main> parse parseTopLevel "[[]]"
Right [Brackets [Brackets []]]
*Main> parse parseTopLevel "]["
Right [Brackets [],Brackets []]
*Main> parse parseTopLevel "[][]"
Right [Brackets [],Brackets []]
*Main> parse parseTopLevel "[]][]]]"
Right [Brackets [Brackets [Brackets [Brackets []],Brackets []]]]
*Main> parse parseTopLevel "[[[[]][]]"
Right [Brackets [Brackets [Brackets [Brackets []],Brackets []]]]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 23910
Here's my take on this one:
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Applicative
data Expr = Brackets [Expr]
parseTopLevel :: Parser [Expr]
parseTopLevel =
((:) <$> parseStart <*> parseExpr) <|> parseExpr
parseStart :: Parser Expr
parseStart = do
go (Brackets [])
go r = (closeBracket *> go (Brackets [r])) <|> return r
parseBrackets :: Parser Expr
parseBrackets = do
expr <- Parsec.between openBracket closeBracket parseExpr
return $ Brackets expr
parseExpr :: Parser [Expr]
parseExpr = Parsec.many parseBrackets
openBracket :: Parser ()
openBracket = void $ Parsec.char '['
closeBracket :: Parser ()
closeBracket = (void $ Parsec.char ']') <|> Parsec.eof
As you can see, for parsing the unbalanced brackets at the beginning of the string, I couldn't use any of the combinators that come with parsec, I just wrote my own, parseStart
. The rest is pretty much you code.
Here's what it returns on your example:
λ> Parsec.parse parseTopLevel "" "]][][["
Right [Brackets [Brackets []],Brackets [],Brackets [Brackets []]]
λ> Parsec.parse parseTopLevel "" "[[]][][[]]"
Right [Brackets [Brackets []],Brackets [],Brackets [Brackets []]]
As you can see, it returns the exact same thing for ]][][[
and [[]][][[]]
as you wanted.
Upvotes: 2