I was trying to build luaposix with luarocks. I did it like this:
luarocks install luaposix
but when process was near to complete, in console I can see following text:
./configure LUA='lua5.1.exe' LUA_INCLUDE='-Ic:/lua/include' --prefix='c:\lua\sys
tree/lib/luarocks/rocks/luaposix/33.4.0-1' --libdir='c:\lua\systree/lib/luarocks
/rocks/luaposix/33.4.0-1/lib' --datadir='c:\lua\systree/lib/luarocks/rocks/luapo
six/33.4.0-1/lua' --datarootdir='c:\lua\systree/lib/luarocks/rocks/luaposix/33.4
.0-1' && make clean all
(here is text about command '.' cannot be found)
Error: Build error: Failed building.
What should I do now? I'm only begginner in installing lua libraries (for me its actually very complicated process).
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Views: 453
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The luaposix Github page says:
This is a POSIX binding for LuaJIT, Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3; like most libraries it simply binds to C APIs on the underlying system, so it won't work on non-POSIX systems.
Windows is a non-POSIX system. The error you describe is because the syntax of the configure
./configure LUA='lua5.1.exe' [...]
The ./
is not supported in a Windows command prompt. For example:
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Upvotes: 2