Reputation: 1766
I'm writing a custom os in virtualbox and having trouble writing and reading successfully from the IOAPIC mmio registers. i.e. It seems to ignore the index register write. After loading R8
with the IOAPIC base address (determined from ACPI enumeration to be 0xFEC00000), I use the following routines to read/write:
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; IN : RAX = ioapic address, EBX = index register
; OUT: ECX = return value
mov [r8], ebx
mov ecx, [r8 + 0x10]
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; IN : RAX = ioapic address, EBX = index register, ECX = value
; OUT: -
mov [r8], ebx
mov [r8 + 0x10], ecx
But an ioapic_read will always return the last value written (by ioapic_write) irrespective of the index used. I have identity paging setup to use 0x9B which I think should disable caching.
I have tried using pause
after each of the mov
s. Didn't help. Tried mfence
s between the mov
s. Didn't help.
I have confirmed the 0xFEC00000
address is successfully identity mapped.
It looks like there's still some caching going on. What am I missing?
I have discovered it's not a caching issue but something a lot stranger - at least to my ignorant brain. My identity paging, works on demand such that a page fault will generate the correct physical page in the tables.
This seems to be working but in the case of the IOAPIC mmio registers, I need to cause a page fault by doing a dummy read or write to the 0xFEC00000 address prior to attempting to use it. The even odder thing is that I need to do this dummy read enough instructions prior or it doesn't work. e.g.
mov eax, [os_IOAPICAddress]
mov dword[rax], 0
mov r8, rax
call ioapic_read
... this DOESN'T!
mov eax, [os_IOAPICAddress]
mov r8, rax
mov dword[rax], 0
call ioapic_read
I suspect a pipelining/serializing issue but I would really love to learn both why I need to page fault the address into the tables before using it in an MMIO register, and why I need to do it far enough in advance. In the latter case, how to fix it so it is serialized such so I don't need to worry about it.
My identity paging routine:
pop r8
push rsi rdi rax rcx rdx r9
test r8, 1
jnz exception_gate_14
mov rdx, cr2 ; faulting address
shr rdx, 39
and rdx, 0x1FF ; get 9 bit index
mov rdi, cr3
lea rsi, [rdi + rdx*8]
mov rdi, [rsi]
test rdi, 1
jnz @f
call set_new_page_table
shr rdi, 12 ; get rid of flags
shl rdi, 12
mov rdx, cr2
shr rdx, 30 ; get 9 bit index
and rdx, 0x1FF
lea rsi, [rdi + rdx*8]
mov rdi, [rsi]
test rdi, 1
jnz @f
call set_new_page_table
shr rdi, 12 ; get rid of flags
shl rdi, 12
mov rdx, cr2
shr rdx, 21
mov rax, rdx
and rdx, 0x1FF ; get 9 bit index
lea rsi, [rdi + rdx*8]
shl rax, 21
or rax, 0x83
mov [rsi], rax
shr rax, 21
shl rax, 21
pop r9 rdx rcx rax rdi rsi
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
; IN: rsi = address of blank entry
; OUT: rdi = base address of new table, changes rax & rcx
set_new_page_table: ; make table, get it, zero it, insert base into previous table
movzx rdi, [page_table_count]
shl rdi, 12
CLEAR_BLOCK rdi, 0x200 ; clears 4096 bytes in rdi, returns rdi + 4096
sub rdi, 0x1000
lea rax, [rdi + 0x3] ; table base address
mov [rsi], rax
inc [page_table_count]
Upvotes: 3
Views: 585
Reputation: 1766
Michael solved it but in the interests of completeness, I will post my final implementation.
test qword[rsp], 1
jnz exception_gate_14
add rsp, 8
push rsi rdi rax rcx rdx
mov rdx, cr2 ; faulting address
pop rdx rcx rax rdi rsi
EDIT: Have edited to remove the xchg
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 47623
Given the original code it looked as if you were setting the page directory entry bits properly to mark the MMIO region uncachable. I was convinced there was some other issue. With your subsequent edit you showed us your page fault handler pageFault_identity_0x0
pop r8
push rsi rdi rax rcx rdx r9
When the processor transfers control to to this page fault exception handler it will pass an error code on the top of the stack as a parameter. The problem is that you replace the contents of R8 with the error number without saving and then restoring the register.
You'll have to modify your exception handler to preserve R8, move the contents from the proper stack offset where the error number is into R8. Just remember to ensure that the error number is no longer on the top of the stack prior to the IRETQ.
Likely the odd behaviour you have been getting is directly related to R8 not being properly restored upon return from a page fault.
A solution that may work is:
push rsi
push rdi
push rax
push rcx
push rdx
push r9
push r8
mov r8, [rsp+7*8] ; Error Code is at offset RSP+7*8 after all the pushes
; Do exception handling work here
pop r8
pop r9
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rax
pop rdi
pop rsi
add rsp, 8 ; Remove the error code
Upvotes: 7