I'm currently working on an app for managing branches and employees in a company, using NodeJS, MSSQL, and Sequilize as the ORM.
A requirement is to keep track of certain changes in a way that we can 'go back' to a date in the past and see the state of the company at that specific point in time. In order to do that, we are using time stamps (initDate
and endDate
) to track the changes we care about, i.e. changes to the branches, and movement of employees among the active branches. Every time a record is changed, we set its endDate
to now()
and create a new record with the change and endDate = null
, so the 'current' version of every branch or branch-employee relation is the one with endDate IS NULL
The problem we are facing right now with Sequelize is: How can we specify the endDate
for the branch-employee relation when findAll()
ing our employees, while eager-loading (i.e. include
ing) their branches? In the example below I'm querying the 'current' state of the company, so i'm asking for endDate: null
, but that's actually an argument saying the point in time we want.
Thanks a lot for your help. Any insight would be really appreciated!
--- Here I include the model definitions and the query ---
Branch model definition:
var BranchModel = db.define<BranchInstance, Branch>('Branch', {
IdBranch: {
primaryKey: true,
type: DataTypes.INTEGER
Name: DataTypes.STRING,
// ... other fields ...
initDate: DataTypes.DATE,
endDate: DataTypes.DATE
}, {
timestamps: false,
classMethods: {
associate: function (models) {
Branch.belongsToMany(models.model('Employee'), {
through: {
model: models.model('Branch_Employee')
as: 'Employees',
foreignKey: 'branchId'
// ... other associations ..
Employee model definition:
var EmployeeModel = db.define<EmployeeInstance, Employee>('Employee', {
idEmployee: {
primaryKey: true,
type: DataTypes.INTEGER
Name: DataTypes.STRING,
// ... other fields ...
active: DataTypes.BOOLEAN
}, {
timestamps: false,
defaultScope: {
where: {
active: true
classMethods: {
associate: function (models) {
EmployeeModel.belongsToMany(models.model('Branch'), {
through: {
model: models.model('Branch_Employee')
foreignKey: 'employeeId'
// ... other associations ...
Join table definition:
var Branch_Employee = db.define<BranchEmployeeInstance, BranchEmployee>('Branch_Employee', {
branchId: DataTypes.INTEGER,
employeeId: DataTypes.INTEGER
// ... some other attributes of the relation ...
initDate: DataTypes.DATE,
endDate: DataTypes.DATE,
}, {
timestamps: false,
classMethods: {
associate: function(models) {
Branch_Employee.belongsTo(models.model('Employee'), {
as: 'Employee',
foreignKey: 'employeeId'
Branch_Employee.belongsTo(models.model('Branch'), {
as: 'Branch',
foreignKey: 'branchId'
instanceMethods: {
// ... some instance methods ...
Sequelize query to get every active employee, eager loading the branches to which they are related:
let employees = await EmployeeModel.findAll({
logging: true,
include: [{
model: Branch,
as: 'Branches',
where: {
endDate: null, // this would be [Branches].[endDate] IS NULL
// i also need the generated query to include:
// [Branches.Branch_Employee].[endDate] IS NULL
required: false
The generated SQL for the above query, looks like this:
SELECT [Employee].[idEmployee]
,[Branches].[IdBranch] AS [Branches.IdBranch]
,[Branches].[Name] AS [Branches.Name]
,[Branches].[initDate] AS [Branches.initDate]
,[Branches].[endDate] AS [Branches.endDate]
,[Branches.Branch_Employee].[initDate] AS Branches.Branch_Employee.initDate]
,[Branches.Branch_Employee].[endDate] AS [Branches.Branch_Employee.endDate]
,[Branches.Branch_Employee].[branchId] AS Branches.Branch_Employee.branchId]
,[Branches.Branch_Employee].[employeeId] AS [Branches.Branch_Employee.employeeId]
FROM [Employee] AS [Employee]
[Branch_Employee] AS [Branches.Branch_Employee]
INNER JOIN [Branch] AS [Branches]
ON [Branches].[IdBranch] = [Branches.Branch_Employee].[branchId]
) ON [Employee].[idEmployee] = [Branches.Branch_Employee].[employeeId]
AND [Branches].[endDate] IS NULL
WHERE [Employee].[active] = 1;
But, I actually need to further restrict the result set to only include the 'current' Branch-Employee relations, i.e. something like:
[Branches.Branch_Employee].[endDate] IS NULL
Upvotes: 7
Views: 18384
I should have given more credit to the Sequelize docs since, as is often the case, it had the answer. I include it in case someone else is struggling with this particular problem:
From the Sequelize doc, the findAll(options)
function accepts the following option:
Object Filter on the join model for belongsToMany relations.
Which is exactly what I needed! Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 11