Reputation: 83
I'm supposed to write a code for a quaternary search algorithm. The only description I got was that it is a modification of the binary search algorithm, but instead of splitting the array into two, it splits the array into four.
I'm a bit confused as to how exactly a search like this is supposed to work. I searched high and low for a pseudo-code or even just a youtube video explaining/visualizing how this search works, but I haven't been able to find anything.
Does anyone have a pseudo-code or a quick and dirty explanation of how this search algorithm might work?
Thank you!
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Views: 5156
Reputation: 76
This algorithm is an example of a Divide and Conquer
algorithm, i.e., the main problem is broken down into smaller
, independent
and similar
subproblems. These type of problems are usually solved through recursion.
The time complexity of the quaternary search if $\Theta(\log_2 n)$, which is the same as the complexity of the binary search (there are smaller differences that do not matter asymptotically).
Here's a Python implementation:
''' quaternary search STUDY
0 1 2 3 4 5 ... n-4 n-3 n-2 n-1
L B1 B2 B3 R
- size of array to be split in 4 in each recursion ==> S_4 = R - L + 1
- size of each split ==> N_4 = S_4 >> 2
- last split will eventually be larger than N_4 due to the remainder of the division by 4
- length of FIRST subarray = N_4
- length of SECOND subarray = N_4
- length of THIRD subarray = N_4
- length of FOURTH subarray = N_4 + S_4 mod 4
- position of breakpoint 1 => B1 = L + N_4
- position of breakpoint 2 => B2 = L + 2*N_4
- position of breakpoint 3 => B2 = L + 3*N_4
def qsearch(A, L, R, key): # i.e. qsearch(A,0,len(A)-1,key)
Quaternary search (divide & conquer)
A = sorted array
L = index of leftmost element
R = index of rightmost element
key = value to be found
zero-indexed position of <key> or <-1> if <key> is not in tha input array
if L <= R:
N_4 = (R-L+1) >> 2
#print(N_4, L, R)
if A[L+N_4] == key:
return L+N_4
elif key < A[L+N_4]:
return qsearch(A, L, L+N_4-1, key)
elif A[L+2*N_4] == key:
return L+2*N_4
elif key < A[L+2*N_4]:
return qsearch(A, L+N_4+1, L+2*N_4-1, key)
elif A[L+3*N_4] == key:
return L+3*N_4
elif key < A[L+3*N_4]:
return qsearch(A, L+2*N_4+1, L+3*N_4-1, key)
return qsearch(A, L+3*N_4+1, R, key)
return -1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21
static int quaternarySearch(int[] a, int start, int end, int x) {
if (end >= start) {
int mid1 = start + (end - start) / 4;
int mid2 = mid1 + (end - start) / 4;
int mid3 = mid2 + (end - start) / 4;
// If x is present at the mid1
if (a[mid1] == x)
return mid1;
// If x is present at the mid2
if (a[mid2] == x)
return mid2;
// If x is present at the mid3
if (a[mid3] == x)
return mid3;
// If x is present in (first dividend)left one-third
if (a[mid1] > x)
return quaternarySearch(a, start, mid1 - 1, x);
// If x is present in (second dividend)right one-third
if (a[mid2] > x)
return quaternarySearch(a, mid1 + 1, mid2 - 1, x);
// If x is present in (fourth dividend) right one-third
if (a[mid3] < x)
return quaternarySearch(a, mid3 + 1, end, x);
// If x is present in (third dividend) middle one-third
return quaternarySearch(a, mid2 + 1, mid3 - 1, x);
// We reach here when element is
// not present in array
return -1;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 83
QuaternarySearch(A[0. . n-1], value, low, high)
while high ≥ 1
p1/4 = low + ((high – low) / 4) //first quarter point
p1/2 = low + ((high – low) / 2) //second quarter point
p3/4 = low + (3(high – low) / 4) //third quarter point
if A[p1/4] = value
return A[p1/4]
else if A[p1/2] = value
return A[p1/2]
else if A[p3/4] = value
return A[p3/4]
else if A[p1/4] > value
return QuaternarySearch(A, value, low, p1/4-1)
else if A[p1/2] > value
return QuaternarySearch(A, value, p1/4+1, p1/2-1)
else if A[p3/4] > value > A[p1/2]
return QuaternarySearch(A, value, p1/2+1, p3/4-1)
else //if A[p3/4] < value
return QuarterSearch(A, value, p3/4 + 1, high)
Upvotes: 4