Reputation: 2481
I am writing a streaming function with the pipes ecosystem, and pipes-concurrency in particular, which is based on the operational library to allow me to quickly make little program snippets which I yield commands to a server over the network or to the stdin/out of a shell command and then read back the response. In this case it is asterisk, but could be generalized to be anything similar.
I initially wrote this with pipes in mind, but it doesn't work. The reason the following code doesn't work is that astPipe returns a Pipe _ _ IO a
, whereas both i and o, from pipes-concurrency both return Consumer/Producer _ IO ()
. I thought about having astPipe
yield Maybe ByteString
, and then making the output Consumer
consume Maybe ByteString
, but that still doesn't solve the problem of the Producer
returning ()
I feel like I'm really close to a solution, but I can't quite eek it out. You should be able to just run stack on this file to replicate.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-6.20 runghc --package pipes --package pipes-concurrency --package operational --package process-streaming
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module West.Asterisk where
import System.Process.Streaming as PS
import Control.Monad.Operational as Op
import Pipes as P
import Pipes.Concurrent as PC;
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode)
data Version = Version String
data Channels = Channels
data AsteriskInstruction a where
Login :: AsteriskInstruction (Maybe Version)
CoreShowChannels :: AsteriskInstruction (Maybe Channels)
type Asterisk a = Program AsteriskInstruction a
runAsterisk :: forall a. Asterisk a -> IO a
runAsterisk m =
runAsterisk' :: Producer B.ByteString {- TODO Response -} IO () -> Consumer B.ByteString IO () -> Asterisk a -> IO a
runAsterisk' i o m' = runEffect $ i >-> astPipe m' >-> o
astPipe :: Asterisk a -> Pipe B.ByteString B.ByteString IO a
astPipe k =
case Op.view m' of
Return a -> return a
Login :>>= k -> do
yield logincmd
resp <- await -- :: Response
let v = undefined resp :: Maybe Version
astPipe (k v)
CoreShowChannels :>>= k -> do
yield coreshowchannelscmd
resp <- await
let c = undefined resp :: Maybe Channels
astPipe (k c)
in do
withSpawn unbounded $ \(out1, in1) -> do
async $ asteriskManager (fromInput in1) (toOutput out1)
runAsterisk' (fromInput in1) (toOutput out1) m
asteriskManager :: Producer B.ByteString IO () -> Consumer B.ByteString IO () -> IO ExitCode
asteriskManager prod cons = do
let ssh = shell "nc someserver 5038"
execute (piped ssh) (foldOut (withConsumer cons) *> feedProducer prod *> exitCode)
logincmd, coreshowchannelscmd :: B.ByteString
logincmd = "action: login\nusername: username\nsecret: pass\nevents: off\n\n"
coreshowchannelscmd = "action: coreshowchannels\n\n"
The error:
Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘()’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for runAsterisk :: Asterisk a -> IO a
at Blah.hs:33:23
Expected type: Proxy () B.ByteString () B.ByteString IO ()
Actual type: Pipe B.ByteString B.ByteString IO a
Relevant bindings include
astPipe :: Asterisk a -> Pipe B.ByteString B.ByteString IO a
(bound at Blah.hs:41:9)
m' :: Asterisk a (bound at Blah.hs:38:22)
runAsterisk' :: Producer B.ByteString IO ()
-> Consumer B.ByteString IO () -> Asterisk a -> IO a
(bound at Blah.hs:38:5)
m :: Asterisk a (bound at Blah.hs:34:13)
runAsterisk :: Asterisk a -> IO a (bound at Blah.hs:34:1)
In the second argument of ‘(>->)’, namely ‘astPipe m'’
In the first argument of ‘(>->)’, namely ‘i >-> astPipe m'’
Upvotes: 2
Views: 304
Reputation: 27756
s and Consumer
s that return ()
can stop by themselves. Producer
s and Consumer
s that are polymorphic on their return type never stop by themselves.
To unify the return types in your case, put each one in different branches of an Either
, using fmap
runAsterisk' :: Producer B.ByteString IO ()
-> Consumer B.ByteString IO ()
-> Asterisk a
-> IO (Either () a)
runAsterisk' i o m' = runEffect $ fmap Left i >-> fmap Right (astPipe m') >-> fmap Left o
Pattern matching on the Either
will reveal which component stopped the pipeline.
Also, you can use drain
to transform a Consumer a IO ()
into a consumer that never stops by itself:
neverStop :: Consumer a IO () -> Consumer a IO r
neverStop consumer = consumer *> drain
All the inputs received after the original consumer stops will be discarded.
Upvotes: 2