Reputation: 137
I've been trying to get the steps that the script does into a txt file, but I just can't get my head around it
$days = -2
$date = (get-date).adddays($days)
$lastboot = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime
$Computer = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'OU=TEST-OU,OU=EDV,DC=Kolbe-Druck,DC=de' -Filter '*' | Select -EXP Name
$lastbootconverted = ([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime($lastboot)
write-host $date
write-host $lastboot
write-host $lastbootconverted
if($date -gt $lastbootconverted)
write-host Need to reboot
(Stop-Computer $Computer -Force)
write-host no need to reboot
any tips?
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Views: 83
Reputation: 2434
You can write your text into a txt with this code:
"Test" | Out-File -FilePath "Your Path to the txtfile" -Append
I would make a function, so you dont have to write this line more than once
EDIT: You can also add a timestamp:
"Test " + $(Get-Date -Format g) | out-file....
Upvotes: 1