Reputation: 28
I'm looking to populate a UITableView with a custom object without having to use multi-dimensional arrays to work with the sections. I think what I'm missing is a piece of logic which will sort the objects. The object, is basically a dictionary, I have the var section: Int
either set to 0
or 1
. These objects currently stored in an array and loaded in the table view. The other vars are various bits of info.
I have an object which looks like this:
class MenuModel {
var displayText: String
var displayImage: UIImage
var location: String
var otherData: String
var section: Int
invoked like this:
let bc = MenuModel(displayText: "Basic Commands", displayImage: UIImage(named: "[email protected]")!, location: "commands", otherData: "", section: 0)
self.MenuList.append(bc) //Right now I'm appending it to an array called MenuList
How can I access the MenuModel.section and sort the objects into those sections by getting a result of 0
or 1
? Does this need to be done in tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
This part is more specific to my current implementation. It's not perfect (or even properly working right now) the UI is updated and seems quite happy, however, the MenuList
array gets presented four times even though the completion handler runs once.
This is the code I'm running. There's essentially two calls to networks, one to Firebase and one through Alamofire.
public func ConstructMenu(completion: (Bool) -> ()) {
if let user = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser {
// User is signed in.
GlobalFirebase.UserRef.child(user.uid).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
let serverAdmin = snapshot.value!["serverAdmin"] as! String
if serverAdmin != "none" {"User as a Server Admin signed in")
let bc = MenuModel(displayText: "Basic Commands", displayImage: UIImage(named: "[email protected]")!, location: "commands", otherData: "", section: 0)
let ca = MenuModel(displayText: "Console Access", displayImage: UIImage(named: "[email protected]")!, location: "console", otherData: "", section: 0)
let sm = MenuModel(displayText: "Server Management", displayImage: UIImage(named: "[email protected]")!, location: "management", otherData: "", section: 0)
let cs = MenuModel(displayText: "Connect and Share", displayImage: UIImage(named: "[email protected]")!, location: "connect", otherData: "", section: 0)
self.MenuList.append(bc, ca, sm, cs)
} else {"User not a Server Admin signed in")
let ns = MenuModel(displayText: "New Server", displayImage: UIImage(named: "[email protected]")!, location: "makeServer", otherData: "", section: 0)
} else {"No user is signed in.")
let ns = MenuModel(displayText: "New Server", displayImage: UIImage(named: "[email protected]")!, location: "makeServer", otherData: "", section: 0)
//Check for Other Archetype Servers
//Query Multicraft
let commandDictionary = [ "APIuser" : GlobalConstants.MulticraftAPIUser,
"APIkey" : "\(GlobalConstants.MulticraftAPIKey)",
"APIreq" : "listServers"]
Alamofire.request(.POST, "\(GlobalConstants.MulticraftAPIURL)tworeq.php", parameters: commandDictionary)
.responseJSON(){ response in"Request: \(response.result.value)")
if let _ = response.result.value {
if (JSON(response.result.value!)["success"] == true) {
let json = JSON(response.result.value!)
// self.log.verbose(json["data"]["Servers"].dictionaryValue)
for (key, value) in json["data"]["Servers"].dictionaryValue {
self.log.verbose("\"\(key) : \(value.string!)\"")
var name = "\(value.string!)"
var serverID = "\(key)"
var image = UIImage(named: "server_\(Int(arc4random_uniform(4) + 1))")!
var item = MenuModel(displayText: name, displayImage: image, location: "serverInfo", otherData: serverID, section: 1)
} //If result succeeds
} // Alamofire Request
and I'm invoking that code like this:
override public func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
self.ConstructMenu() {completion in completion
if completion == true {
print("Menu Setup Completed")
} else {
print("Menu Setup Failed")
Upvotes: 0
Views: 276
Reputation: 5521
You can quickly filter that menuList array by section with the filter method - it'd look like this:
let sectionZero = menuList.filter { (model) -> Bool in
return model.section == 0
let sectionOne = menuList.filter { (model) -> Bool in
return model.section == 1
It may be a pain if you're frequently reloading the menuList and the tableView, but it's doable if you don't want to have a multi-dimensional array.
Upvotes: 1