Reputation: 350
I'm try to write program for searching smallest word in the input string using this algorithm.
My Algorithm:
Read character from input, but not echo
If character is space:
current_string_length = 0;
current_string = "";
echo character
Else If character belong to English alphabet:
current_string += character;
if current_string_length < max_string_length:
max_string = current_string;
max_string_length = current_length_string;
echo character
Else If character is "\n":
print max_string
But i'm new in assembly and can't find way to add character to string and clean string. How can i do this, or maybe i need to choose different algorithm for this task?
My code:
.model small
.stack 100h ; reserves 100h bytes for stack
; Variables
maxString db 128 dup('$')
currentString db 128 dup('$')
maxLength dw 0
currentLength dw 0
; Messages
helloMessage db 10,13,'Assembly Shortest Word Finder Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2016 RodionSoft',10,13,10,13,'Usage: enter string with length of words not more then 128 characters',10,13,10,13,10,13,10,13,'Enter string: $'
resultMessage db 10,13,"Shortest word: $"
; Program
start :
MOV AX, @data
; Print helloMessage
lea dx, helloMessage ; LEA - Load Affective Address
mov ah, 9 ; print the string of the adress
int 21h ; present in DX register
; main loop
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Read character but not echo
mov ah, 08h
int 21h
mov ah, 0 ; ah = 0
cmp al, 13h ; if(al == enter)
jz printResult ; printResult()
cmp al, 20h ; if(al == enter)
jz spaceinput ; spaceInput()
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp al, 41h ; if(al < 'A')
jl badInput ; badInput()
cmp al, 7Ah ; if(al > 'z')
jg badInput ; badInput()
cmp al, 5Bh ; if(al < '[')
jg goodInput ; goodInput()
cmp al, 60h ; if(al > '`')
jg goodInput ; goodInput()
jmp badInput ; else badInput()
inc currentString
; currentString += al
jmp repeat
mov currentLength, 0
;clean currentString
mov ah, 2 ; echo
int 21h
jmp repeat ; loop
lea dx, secondMessage
mov ah, 9
int 21h
lea dx, maxString
mov ah, 9
int 21h
MOV AX, 4c00h
INT 21h
StringComparison proc
push cx dx bx ax bp si di ; save general-purpose registers
mov cx, maxLength ; cx = maxLength
mov dx, currentLength ; dx = currentLength
cmp cx, dx ; if(currentLength > maxLength)
jl currentBigger ; currentBigger()
jmp return ; else return
; maxString = currentString
pop di si bp ax bx dx cx ; restore general-purpose registers
end start
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Views: 1827
Reputation: 16626
can't find way to add character to string and clean string.
Well, in the first place it depends on your definition of what is string (this is common theme in assembly, deciding how you store your data, ie. which bits/bytes are used for what and what meaning you give them).
Look for example at resultMessage
. It's composed of consecutive bytes with ASCII encoded values, ending with value '$'
used as terminator for the DOS service.
In C/C++ the classic string literal is similar, but for terminator the value 0
is used.
In (old 16b) Pascal the first byte contains length 0-255 of string, following "length" bytes contain the ASCII letters, there's no terminator at end.
In Linux the system call to display string to console takes the pointer to the letters as in DOS/C definitions, but without any terminator, the length of string has to be provided aside as second argument, and it's up to programmer how he will get it.
So, such simple thing as string, and you have already 4 different ways how to store it in memory.
But in your case you don't need to work only with final string, but build it up and alter it, so probably the easiest way is to allocate some memory byte array: currentString db 128 dup('$')
And to keep end()
pointer in some register, let's say si
Then common tasks can be achieved like this:
; all callable subroutines bellow expect the register "si"
; to point beyond last character of currentString
; (except the clearString of course, which works always)
cmp si,OFFSET currentString+127 ; 127 to have one byte for '$'
jae appendLetterInAL_bufferIsFull_Ignore
mov [si],al ; store new letter after previous last
inc si ; update "si" to point to new end()
clearString: ; works also as INIT at the start of code
lea si,[currentString]
mov BYTE PTR [si],'$' ; set terminator at end()
lea dx,[currentString] ; dx = pointer to string
getLengthOfString: ; sets cx to length of current string
; lea cx,[si - currentString] ; probably not allowed in 16b?
; other variant
mov cx,si
sub cx,OFFSET currentString
; copies current string to buffer @di
; and also terminates it in DOS way with '$'
; upon return di contains original value
push bx
lea bx,[currentString]
push di
cmp bx,si ; all bytes copied
jae copyCurrentStringToDI_finish
mov al,[bx]
inc bx
mov [di],al
inc di
jmp copyCurrentStringToDI_loop
mov BYTE PTR [di],'$' ; set DOS terminator
pop di ; restore di to original value
pop bx ; restore also bx
So basically two pointers (current end() in si
, and the start of string being fixed at compile time as currentString
) are enough to do many manipulations with it.
I hope the algorithms and used data structure is easy to understand from the code and comments.
Upvotes: 1