Reputation: 349
I'm trying to get the JSON data list from this URL :
I couldn't understand what to do in this situation
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
type alias Model =
{ name : String
, imageURL: String
init =
(Model "" "", Cmd.none)
type Msg
= Recipes
| FetchSucceed (List Model)
| FetchFail Http.Error
update msg model =
case msg of
Recipes ->
(model, fetchRecipes)
FetchSucceed recipe ->
(recipe, Cmd.none)
FetchFail _ ->
(model, Cmd.none)
view model =
div []
[ ul [] ( getItem model)
getItem item =
li [] [ text ]
fetchRecipes =
url =
Task.perform FetchFail FetchSucceed (Http.get decodeListRecipes url)
decodeRecipes =
Json.object2 Model
("name" := Json.string)
("imageURL" := Json.string)
decodeListRecipes =
Json.list decodeRecipes
But I keep getting this error :
Function `program` is expecting the argument to be:
{ ...,
update :
-> { imageURL : String, name : String }
-> ( { imageURL : String, name : String }, Cmd Msg ) ,
view : { imageURL : String, name : String } -> Html Msg
But it is:
{ ...
, update : Msg -> List Model -> ( List Model, Cmd Msg )
, view : List { a | name : String } -> Html b
Upvotes: 1
Views: 276
Reputation: 36375
Your FetchSucceed
tag is defined as having a list of models (FetchSucceed (List Model)
), but in your update
function you are treating it as if it is a single model rather than a list. If I change the value to plural, it should emphasize the problem area:
FetchSucceed recipes ->
(recipes, Cmd.none)
Without knowing exactly what you are trying to achieve, I can only offer a hint at a potential solution, such as, if you merely wanted to take the first element of the list and fall back on the current model if no recipes are returned, you could do something like this:
FetchSucceed recipes ->
let recipe =
case List.head recipes of
Just r -> r
Nothing -> model
(recipe, Cmd.none)
Upvotes: 1