Reputation: 23968
I need to intersect types of incoming objects with a set of predefined ones.
The raw approach is to scan an incoming collection for each predefined type:
trait Field
class Field1 extends Field
class Field2 extends Field
class Field3 extends Field
class FieldManager(shownFields:Iterable[Field]) {
var hiddenFields = new ArrayBuffer[Field]
var found = false
for (sf <- shownFields) {
if (sf.isInstanceOf[Field1]) {
found = true
if (!found)
hiddenFields+=new Field1
for (sf <- shownFields) {
if (sf.isInstanceOf[Field2]) {
found = true
if (!found)
hiddenFields+=new Field2
for (sf <- shownFields) {
if (sf.isInstanceOf[Field3]) {
found = true
if (!found)
hiddenFields+=new Field3
Wow, this is so verbose for Scala! There should be a shorter way. Like function template in C++:
class FieldManager {
vector<Field*> hiddenFields, shownFields;
template<class T>
void fillHiddenType() {
FOR_EACH(Field *, field, shownFields) {
if (dynamic_cast<T*>(field))
hiddenFields.push_back(new T)
void fillHidden() {
In this C++ example we mention each type to be scanned for only once.
Ok, Scala is also good for its type parameters, lets try:
def fillHiddenType[T] {
for (sf <- shownFields)
if (sf.isInstanceOf[T])
hiddenFields+=new T
But compiler don't like creating T instance: class type required but T found
. Try passing instance as argument and the next problem appears warning: abstract type T in type is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
and isInstanceOf[]
is always true! Type T is abstarcted so good, that is erased out completly even [T <: Field] doesn't allow to compare it to types from our collection shownFields.
The question is: How to test presence of an object of a given type in a collection in a compact fashion?
Update The following working code was tested on Scala 2.7.7 Both answers were useful. Thank you, guys!
//Scala 2.7.7 misses toSet members
implicit def toSet[T](i:Iterable[T]): Set[T] = {
val rv = new HashSet[T]
rv ++= i
def filterOut[T](all:Iterable[T], toRemove:Set[T]) = {
all.filter(x => ! toRemove.contains(x))
def filterOutByType[T <: AnyRef](all:Iterable[T], toFilter:Set[T]):Iterable[T] = {
def toClass(x:AnyRef) = x.getClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
val allTypes = all map toClass
val extraTypes = toSet(filterOut(allTypes, toFilter map toClass))
all.filter(extraTypes contains toClass(_))
Upvotes: 2
Views: 339
Reputation: 49705
It's trivial to find the first member of a collection that has a given type:
but that'll still return an instance of Option[Field]
, and not Option[Field1]
- which you want for strong typing. the collect method will help here:
showFields.collect{case x : Field1 => x}
Which will return an Iterable[Field1]
, you can then use headOption
to select the first element of the iterable as an Option[Field1]
, either Some[Field1]
if present, or None
showFields.collect{case x : Field1 => x}.headOption
To make it more efficient, and not calculate ALL the Field1's in the list, I'd also make it lazy, via the view
showFields.view.collect{case x : Field1 => x}.headOption
and to then provide a default value if it's not found, use the getOrElse
method that Options provide:
showFields.view.collect{case x : Field1 => x}.headOption getOrElse (new Field1)
I just read back over the question, if seems you want hiddenFields to contain a new instance of every Field subtype for which there isn't a member in showFields.
To find all types represented in an Iterable
val shownFieldTypes =
(converting it to a set forces unique values)
If you then have a set of Fields you're interested in:
val allFieldTypes = Set(classOf[Field1], classOf[Field2], ...)
You can subtract to find the missing ones:
val hiddenFieldTypes = allFieldTypes -- shownFieldTypes
The catch here is that you'd then be stuck using newInstance, and reflection isn't always desirable... So:
val protoHiddenFields = Set(new Field1, new Field2, ...)
val allFieldTypes =
val hiddenFieldTypes = allFieldTypes -- shownFieldTypes
val hiddenFields = protohiddenFields.filter(hiddenFieldTypes contains _.getClass)
The beauty of this approach is that your prototypes can be initialised using constructor parameters, if you so desire
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 31619
You can maintain a set of known subclasses of Field
, like so:
val allFieldClasses = Set[Class[_ <: Field]](
Then creating the hidden fields is simply a matter of filtering out the shown field classes from this set and constructing instances of the remaining ones:
def createHiddenFields(shownFields: Iterable[Field]):Set[Field] = {
val toClass = (_:Field).getClass.asInstanceOf[Class[Field]]
(allFieldTypes -- (shownFields map toClass)) map (_.newInstance)
Unfortunately, you'll have to remember to keep allFieldClasses
up-to-date when you add new subclasses of Field
--the compiler won't warn you that your set isn't complete--but I see no way around that.
Upvotes: 4