Reputation: 616
I have been trying to get captainhook to work for a model and was not able to do so. Captainhook is a php library that let's adding URLs and eloquent or custom events for sending event data to those URLs we specify based on the events as a HTTP post request.
I'm not sure where I'm doing a mistake but I assume Laravel is not firing eloquent.saved
or any other events. I followed all the exact instructions mentioned in readme.
Here are my project files that might help resolve the issue:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
| id | tenant_id | url | event |
| 7 | | http://localhost:10000 | eloquent.saved \App\Vessel |
"name": "laravel/laravel",
"description": "The Laravel Framework.",
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "5.2.39",
"league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "~1.0",
"venturecraft/revisionable": "1.*",
"maknz/slack": "^1.7",
"phpmailer/phpmailer": "^5.2",
"snowfire/beautymail": "dev-master",
"mpociot/captainhook": "~2.0",
"doctrine/dbal": "^2.5",
"predis/predis": "^1.1",
"torann/currency": "^0.3.0",
"yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle": "~6.0"
"require-dev": {
"fzaninotto/faker": "~1.4",
"mockery/mockery": "0.9.*",
"phpunit/phpunit": "~4.0",
"symfony/css-selector": "2.8.*|3.0.*",
"symfony/dom-crawler": "2.8.*|3.0.*"
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
"files": [
"autoload-dev": {
"classmap": [
"scripts": {
"post-root-package-install": [
"php -r \"file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');\""
"post-create-project-cmd": [
"php artisan key:generate"
"post-install-cmd": [
"php artisan optimize"
"post-update-cmd": [
"php artisan optimize"
"config": {
"preferred-install": "dist",
"process-timeout": 0
* This file is part of CaptainHook arrrrr.
* @license MIT
return [
| Event listeners
| This array allows you to define all events that Captain Hook should
| listen for in the application. By default, the Captain will just
| respond to eloquent events, but you may edit this as you like.
'listeners' => ['eloquent.*'],
| Webhook filter closure
| If your webhooks are scoped to a tenant_id, you can modify
| this filter function to return only the webhooks for your
| tenant. This function is applied as a collection filter.
| The tenant_id field can be used for verification.
'filter' => function ($webhook) {
return true;
| Webhook data transformer
| The data transformer is a simple function that allows you to take the
| subject data of an event and convert it to a format that will then
| be posted to the webhooks. By default, all data is json encoded.
| The second argument is the Webhook that was triggered in case
| you want to transform the data in different ways per hook.
| You can also use the 'Foo\Class@transform' notation if you want.
'transformer' => function ($eventData, $webhook) {
return json_encode($eventData);
| Webhook response callback
| The response callback can be used if you want to trigger
| certain actions depending on the webhook response.
| This is unused by default.
| You can also use the 'Foo\Class@handle' notation if you want.
'response_callback' => function ($webhook, $response) {
// Handle custom response status codes, ...
| Logging configuration
| Captain Hook ships with built-in logging to allow you to store data
| about the requests that you have made in a certain time interval.
'log' => [
'active' => true,
'storage_quantity' => 50,
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1205
Reputation: 50491
The docs for that package say Eloquent will fire an event named eloquent.updated \App\User
for App\User
model's updated
event but it will actually fire an event named eloquent.updated: App\User
Try changing your webhook to:
eloquent.saved: App\Vessel
Upvotes: 2