Reputation: 845
I have recently started learning Haskell. I am trying to reverse a string which contains chars and numbers. The string is to be reversed keeping digits at the original place.
Original String = "H1AW2J1"
Reversed = J1WA2H1
I am trying to follow the pattern which I used in Swift.
Below are the codes following above steps.
reversedChars "H1AW2J1" retuns "JWAH"
reversedChars = reverse . filter isLetter
Indexes returns tuples.
indexes xs = [(x, elemIndex x xs) | x <- xs]
[('H',Just 0),('1',Just 1),('A',Just 2),('W',Just 3),('2',Just 4),('J',Just 5),('1',Just 1)]
is returning same index Just 1
for multiple occurrence of 1.Upvotes: 3
Views: 820
Reputation: 85442
A different approach does away with having to find the indices of individual elements:
reverseIf :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
reverseIf f = fill <*> reverse . filter f
where fill s [] = s
fill (s:ss) (r:rs)
| f s = x : fill ss rs
| otherwise = s : fill ss (r:rs)
Here is another version:
reverseIf :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
reverseIf f = snd . (flip (mapAccumL g) <*> reverse . filter f)
where g r e | f e = (tail r, head r)
| otherwise = (r, e)
> reverseIf (not . isDigit) "H1AW2J1"
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Reputation: 222278
- How to insert digits at the repective index into
I would use a recursive function like this, which inserts the next reversed char if it encounters a letter, otherwise just inserts the actual character:
import Data.Char
reverseLetters :: String -> String
reverseLetters xs = go xs (reverse $ filter isLetter $ xs)
go xs [] = xs
go (x:xs) (r:rs) | isLetter x = r : go xs rs
| otherwise = x : go xs (r:rs)
main = print $ reverseLetters "H1AW2J1"
is returning same indexJust 1
for multiple occurrence of 1.
That's because that is what elemIndex
is defined to return. If you want all indices, you can do:
Prelude> map fst $ filter ((== '1') . snd) $ zip [0..] "H1AW2J1"
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 2366
My solution would also look similar to @Dogbert's however here is one that implements it the way you approached the problem.
There is no update
function for lists in the standard library and even if there was, it would not be a good idea to use it, as it would have O(n) where n is the index, because lists are singly linked lists. Instead you have to write your own function to include the numbers back into the string:
reverseChars :: [Char] -> [Char]
reverseChars cs = insert reversedChars digits
where reversedChars = reverse $ filter isLetter cs
digits = filter (\(_,c) -> isDigit c) $ indexes cs
insert :: [a] -> [(Int, a)] -> [a]
insert = go 0
where go i (x:xs) ((j,y):ys)
| j > i = x : go (i+1) xs ((j,y):ys)
| otherwise = y : go (i+1) (x:xs) ys
go _ xs [] = xs
go _ [] ys = map snd ys
indexes :: [a] -> [(Int, a)]
indexes = zip [0..]
I have also changed the implementation of indexes, because elemIndex
also has complexity O(n) with n being the position of the searched-for element in the list, so your indexes function would have O(n²). Furthermore with this implementation you get rid of the Maybe
in indexes
Upvotes: 2