Reputation: 1
So far I have this code for a 2-bit comparator.
module twobitcomparator(xgtyin,xety,xltyin,x1,x0,y1,y0,xgty,xety,xlty);
output xgty, xety, xlty; //xgty - x>y, xlty - x<y, xety - x=y
input x1, x0, y1, y0, xgtyin, xetyin, xltyin;
//specify circuit behavior
assign r = (xgyin);
assign s = (xlyin);
assign t = (xetyin);//not sure if I need an xetyin
assign a = (x1&~y1);
assign b = (x1&x0&~y0);
assign c = (x0&~y1&~y0);
assign xgty = (a|b|c|r);//X>Y
assign d = (~x0&~y0);
assign e = (x0&y0);
assign f = (x1&y1);
assign g = (~x1&~y1);
assign xety = ((d|e)&(f|g));//X=Y
assign h = (~x1&~x0&y0);
assign i = (~x1&y1);
assign j = (~x0&y1&y0);
assign xlty = (h|i|j|s);//X<Y
Does this look good? I wrote a testbench for it and looked at the wave and the outputs were correct for the inputs, but I'm not sure if it's the most efficient way.
For the cascading, I know that the highest bit comparator's result (if it is an inequality) will just need to be sent down through the rest of the comparators and that will be the final result. If they are equal, then I just have to find the highest bit comparator where there is an inequality and that needs to be cascaded like I mentioned.
I am stuck on getting them to cascade, I am very new to Verilog and I have no clue how I should get each comparator's result into the next one. Here is my attempt.
module ncompare#( parameter n = 2)(input [2*n-1:0] xgyin, xlyin,
input [2*n-1:0] x1, x0, y1, y0,
output [2*n-1:0] xgy, xey, xly,
output xqyout);
wire xqyin;
assign xqyin = 1'b0;
twobitcomparator s1(.xgyin(xgyin[xqyin]), .xlyin(xlyin[xqyin]),
.x1(x1[2*n-1]), .x0(x0[2*n-2]), .y1(y1[2*n-1]), .y0(y0[2*n-2]),
.xgy(xgy[ripple0]), .xey(xey[ripple1]), .xly(xly[ripple2]));
twobitcomparator s0(.xgyin(xgyin[ripple0]), .xlyin(xlyin[ripple2]),
.x1(x1[1]), .x0(x0[0]), .y1(y1[1]), .y0(y0[0]),
.xgy(xgy[ripple3]), .xey(xey[ripple4]), .xly(xly[ripple5]));
I think I need to use a generate statement since I need to make it work for any parameter n but I have no clue how to use generate since all examples I've looked at only have one output and I have three (that are also the next comparator's inputs! Agh!)
Thanks for any and all help!
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Views: 1639
Reputation: 362
The 2-bit comparator module can be rewritten as
module twobitcomparator(xgtyin,xltyin,x,y,xgty,xlty,xety);
output xgty, xety, xlty;
input xgtyin, xltyin;
input [1:0] x,y;
assign xgty = xgtyin | (~xltyin & ((x[1] > y[1]) | ((x[1] == y[1]) & (x[0] > y[0]))));
assign xlty = xltyin | (~xgtyin & ((x[1] < y[1]) | ((x[1] == y[1]) & (x[0] < y[0]))));
assign xety = ~(xlty | xgty);
I have treated the two bit input as a bus instead of treating them as individual bits (Verilog allows you to do that). I have trimmed out the numerous intermediate results that were present in your code. This makes the code easier to understand as you do not have to keep track of all those temporary wires.
I then simulated this module using Icarus Verilog on EDA Playground. The link is here
A four-bit comparator that uses these twobitcomparators can be written as follows.
module fourbitcomparator(xgtyin,xltyin,x,y,xgty,xlty,xety);
output xgty, xety, xlty;
input xgtyin, xltyin;
input [3:0] x,y;
wire xgty_1,xlty_1,xety_1;
twobitcomparator u_1 (
twobitcomparator u_0 (
Finally a 2n bit comparator using twobitcomparators, can be generalised as follows
module twoN_bitcomparator #(
parameter N = 2
input xgtyin,
input xltyin,
input [(2*N-1):0]x,
input [(2*N-1):0]y,
output xgty,
output xlty,
output xety
wire [N:0] xgty_w,xlty_w,xety_w;
assign xgty_w[N] = xgtyin;
assign xlty_w[N] = xltyin;
genvar i;
for (i=0;i<=(N-1);i=i+1)
twobitcomparator u_1 (
.x(x[(2*i+1) : (2*i)]),
.y(y[(2*i+1) : (2*i)]),
assign xgty = xgty_w[0];
assign xlty = xlty_w[0];
assign xety = xety_w[0];
The simulation of this generalised module is also available on EDA playground at The waveform for the small testbench is also available at
Upvotes: 1