Reputation: 17
I am working on an RPG and started working on ability cooldowns. I have a player that is controlled by the user (player1), and a player controlled by the computer (player2) for testing purposes. The cooldown for abilities work perfectly for the user controlled player, but when it comes to the AI, the computer will not execute the ability unless the computer goes first (when the ability is off cooldown by default). Below is the code I think is relevant to the question, but if more information is needed I will update the post.
The ability class:
using UnityEngine;
public class attackList : MonoBehaviour{
public int dmg;
public float coolDown;
public float _attackTimer;
public void Attack1(basePlayer user, basePlayer target, int D)
coolDown = 2.5f;
if (user._attackTimer == 0)
dmg = D;
user._attackTimer = coolDown;
target.curHealth -= dmg;
public void cooldown(basePlayer user)
if (user._attackTimer > 0) {
user._attackTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (user._attackTimer < 0) {
user._attackTimer = 0;
The attack logic class:
public class attackLogic : MonoBehaviour {
private attackList _attackList = new attackList();
private playerList _playerList = new playerList();
public bool player1_turn = false; //player1 is not allowed to go first by default
public bool player2_turn = false; //player2 is not allowed to go first by default
void Start()
int rnd = Random.Range (1,3); // random value between 1 and 2 generated, which will determine what player goes first
if (rnd == 1)
player1_turn = true;
if (rnd == 2)
player2_turn = true;
//current health set to the maximum health at the beginning of each fight
_playerList.player1.curHealth = _playerList.player1.maxHealth;
_playerList.player2.curHealth = _playerList.player2.maxHealth;
void Update()
Logic(); //run through the logic of the battle
public void Logic()
if (player1_turn == true)
if (Input.GetKeyUp("1"))
_attackList.Attack1(_playerList.player1, _playerList.player2, 5);
player1_turn = false;
player2_turn = true;
if (player2_turn == true)
_attackList.Attack1(_playerList.player2, _playerList.player1, 5);
player1_turn = true;
player2_turn = false;
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Views: 192
Reputation: 9093
1) I have a nasty suspicion that the actual problem is in Time.deltaTime, but you didn't show the code so I can't confirm this.
2) Since you have time-based code here you can't expect it to behave the same when you step through the code. Thus it often helps to dust off some of the old techniques--namely, print statements. Of course things have changed enough over the years that it's become write but the ideas still work. Take a part of the screen that isn't important to what you're testing and write the variables out that are involved in what you are doing. I think you'll find player 2 is cooling down extremely slowly.
3) I think you need a better understanding of objects. You appear to be simply using them as containers. I also dislike player1 and player2--you should simply have a list of players. Remember how the WOPR was defeated in War Games?--that can be very useful at times in balancing things.
Upvotes: 1