Reputation: 87
I'm already very close of what I want and the script runs fine if the files are clean ONLY, but most of them have several comments, few of them inside /* ... */
blocks aside other crap that need to be deleted.
So I just want to process the lines which have the string level.waypoints
Here what I have now:
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set findtext="level.waypoints"
for %%F in (*.gsc) do (
set "out="
set "i=x"
> "%%~nF.cfg" (
for /f usebackq^ tokens^=2^,4^,5^ delims^=[]^=(^)^;^"^ %%A in ("%%F") do (
if %%A neq !i! (
if defined out echo !out!"
set /a "i=%%A, j=0"
set "out=set flwp_!i! "!i!"
) else (
set /a j+=1
if !j! leq 3 (set "out=!out!,%%B") else set "out=!out!,%%C"
if defined out echo !out!"
set /a "fim=i+1"
echo set flwp_!fim! "eof"
I was thinking in add findstr %findtext%
into these loops but I tryed in many different ways, but didn't succeed yet sadly... Could you help me?
thank you very much!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 140
Reputation: 9545
If you just want to delete the lines of each .gsc
file containing the string level.waypoints
@echo off
set "findtext=level.waypoints"
for %%a in (*.gsc) do (
for /f "delims=" %%b in ('type "%%a"') do (
echo %%b | find /i "%findtext%" >nul || echo %%b >>"%%~na_New%%~xa"
move "%%~na_New%%~xa" "%%a" 2>nul
Upvotes: 1