

LUA : Scene not being created. What is wrong?

I'm building a game where I have a start screen and clicking the start button it should take me to the FIRST level. Some stuff happens and then I will be taken to the SECOND level.

However I'm running into problems and can't seem to find a solution. When I click the start button it seems to get stuck in the create function because i prints out something. I was told you don't have to place anything in the create function and just put everything in the SHOW FUNCTION. Was i mislead?


local composer = require("composer")
local widget = require("widget")

local options = {effect = "fade", time = 800}
local startBtn;

local function start(event)
    -- load first scene
    composer.gotoScene( "level1", options);
    print("Start Game")

startBtn = widget.newButton(
    left = 75,
    top = 100,
    id = "startBtn",
    label = "Start",
    onEvent = start

When I click the START button it should take me to the FIRST LEVEL which is here and is where i'm running into problems.

local composer = require( "composer" );
local scene = composer.newScene();
local widget = require ("widget");

function scene:create( event )

    local sceneGroup = self.view;


function scene:show( event )

    local sceneGroup = self.view
    local phase = event.phase
    local params = event.params;

    if (phase == "will") then
    elseif (phase == "did") then
        local bg = display.newImage ("bg.png",  
        display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY);

        ------- ALEX KIDD  ---------------------------------
        local options =
            frames = {
                { x = 1, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 1       
                { x = 18, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 2        
                { x = 35, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 3        
                { x = 52, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 4
                { x = 1, y = 54, width = 16, height = 24},  --ready1
                { x = 19, y = 54, width = 16, height = 24}, --ready2
                { x = 37, y = 54, width = 29, height = 24}, -- rock
                { x = 67, y = 54, width = 33, height = 24}, -- scissor
                { x = 101, y = 54, width = 33, height = 24},  -- paper       
        local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "kidd.png", options );

        -- Create animation sequence for animation
        local seqData = {
            {name = "normal", start=1 , count = 4, time = 800},
            {name = "faster", frames={1,2,3,4}, time = 400},
            {name = "shake", frames={5,6}, time = 500},
            {name = "rock", frames={7}},
            {name = "paper", frames={9}},
            {name = "scissor", frames={8}},

        local alex = display.newSprite (sheet, seqData);
        alex.x = display.contentCenterX-100;
        alex.y = display.contentCenterY+83;

        alex.anchorX = 1;
        alex.anchorY = 1;

        ---------- JANKEN ---------------------------------
        local jankenOpt =
            frames = {
                {x= 154, y= 13, width= 39, height= 48 }, -- shake1
                {x= 195, y= 13, width= 39, height= 48 }, -- shake2
                {x= 236, y= 13, width= 32, height= 48 }, -- set
                {x= 270, y= 13, width= 16, height= 48 }, --r/p/s
                {x= 287, y= 13, width= 16, height= 48 }, --r/p/s
                {x= 305, y= 13, width= 15, height= 48 }, --r/p/s
                {x= 69, y= 13, width= 41, height= 48 }, --flap1
                {x= 110, y= 13, width= 40, height= 48 }, --flap2
        local jankenSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "chars.png", jankenOpt );

        -- Create animation sequence janken
        local seqDataJanken = {
            {name = "flap", frames={7,8}, time = 500},
            {name = "shake", frames={1,2}, time = 500},    
            {name = "set", frames={3}, time = 10, loopCount=1},        

        local janken = display.newSprite (jankenSheet, seqDataJanken);

        janken.x = display.contentCenterX+100;
        janken.y = display.contentCenterY+83;

        janken.anchorX = 1;
        janken.anchorY = 1;

        -------------- button setup
        local btnOpt =
            frames = {
                { x = 3, y = 2, width=70, height = 22}, --frame 1       
                { x = 78, y = 2, width=70, height = 22}, --frame 2        

        local buttonSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "button.png", btnOpt );

        local function foo (wow) 

        local function bar (wow)
            --alex:setFrame(2);     --keep it at this frame 

            -- NEXT: generate more buttons

        -- Function to handle button event
        local function go( event )
            -- is the button widget
            print (event.phase,

  , {time=2000, x=170, onStart = foo, onComplete = bar})

        local btnGo = widget.newButton(
                x = 200,
                y = 20,    
                id = "btnGo",
                label = "Go!",
                labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },    
                sheet = buttonSheet,
                defaultFrame = 1,
                overFrame = 2,
                onPress = go,

        -------------- play buttons

        local function shoot (buttonID) 

            local randomHand = math.random(4,6);
            -- position Janken and draw his hands
            hand = display.newImage (jankenSheet, randomHand, display.contentCenterX+61, display.contentCenterY+60);

            if (buttonID == "btnRock") then
                alex:setSequence("rock");  -- just show rock for now
            elseif (buttonID == "btnScissor") then  
                alex:setSequence("scissor");  -- just show rock for now
                alex:setSequence("paper");  -- just show rock for now

        local function play (event)
            if (event.phase == "ended") then
                alex:setSequence ("shake");


                local t = timer.performWithDelay (1500, function() shoot( end, 1);

                print (;   -- which button was it?

        local btnRock = widget.newButton(
                x = 80,
                y = 20,    
                id = "btnRock",
                label = "Rock",
                labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },    
                sheet = buttonSheet,
                defaultFrame = 1,
                overFrame = 2,
                onEvent = play,

        local btnPaper = widget.newButton(
                x = 80,
                y = 50,    
                id = "btnPaper",
                label = "Paper",
                labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },    
                sheet = buttonSheet,
                defaultFrame = 1,
                overFrame = 2,
                onEvent = play,

        local btnScissor = widget.newButton(
                x = 80,
                y = 80,    
                id = "btnScissor",
                label = "Scissor",
                labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },    
                sheet = buttonSheet,
                defaultFrame = 1,
                overFrame = 2,
                onEvent = play,

        local scoreAlex = display.newText ( {text="Alex: 0", x=230, y=60, fontSize=20});

        scoreAlex:setFillColor (0,0,0);
        scoreAlex.anchorX = 1;



function scene:hide( event )
    local sceneGroup = self.view

    local phase = event.phase

    if ( phase == "will" ) then
    elseif ( phase == "did" ) then



scene:addEventListener( "create", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "enter", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene )

return scene

Upvotes: 1

Views: 59

Answers (1)

Basilio German
Basilio German

Reputation: 1819

Well, you are adding a listener scene:addEventListener( "enter", scene ) which should be scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) (Change enter to show)

Your listener is not even being fired, because it was not added with the correct name.

Composer uses the following events: create, destroy, show, hide.

Upvotes: 1

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