Reputation: 11806
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to trim/crop-out an image with CoreGraphics or CoreImage and Swift3?
Given an input image on the top (with red/rose background) we trim those red pixels away so that only the real, interesting bits are left?
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Views: 176
Reputation: 16347
I just answered a subset of a similar question over here: Iterate over individual pixels of a UIImage with height information
Here's how you get the top and bottom unique pixels.
func pixelNotMatchingTopLeftColor(in image: UIImage, first isFirst: Bool) -> CGPoint? {
let width = Int(image.size.width)
let height = Int(image.size.height)
guard width > 1 || height < 1 else {
return nil
if let cfData:CFData = image.cgImage?.dataProvider?.data, let pointer = CFDataGetBytePtr(cfData) {
let cornerPixelRed = pointer.pointee
let cornerPixelGreen = pointer.advanced(by: 0).pointee
let cornerPixelBlue = pointer.advanced(by: 1).pointee
let cornerPixelAlpha = pointer.advanced(by: 2).pointee
let bytesPerpixel = 4
let firstPixel = 1 * bytesPerpixel
let lastPixel = width * height * bytesPerpixel - 1 * bytesPerpixel
let range = isFirst ? stride(from: firstPixel, through: lastPixel, by: bytesPerpixel) :
stride(from: lastPixel, through: firstPixel + bytesPerPixel, by: -bytesPerpixel)
for pixelAddress in range {
if pointer.advanced(by: pixelAddress).pointee != cornerPixelRed || //Red
pointer.advanced(by: pixelAddress + 1).pointee != cornerPixelGreen || //Green
pointer.advanced(by: pixelAddress + 2).pointee != cornerPixelBlue || //Blue
pointer.advanced(by: pixelAddress + 3).pointee != cornerPixelAlpha { //Alpha
return CGPoint(x: (pixelAddress / bytesPerpixel) % width, y: (pixelAddress / bytesPerpixel) / width)
return nil
func firstUniquePixel( in image: UIImage) -> CGPoint? {
return pixelNotMatchingTopLeftColor(in: image, first: true)
func lastUniquePixel( in image: UIImage) -> CGPoint? {
return pixelNotMatchingTopLeftColor(in: image, first: false)
You have to do something similar for left and right (if you have problems figuring out the pointer math then let me know). Then using top, left, bottom and right you just call CGImageCreateWithImageInRect.
Upvotes: 1