Reputation: 793
I have a table 'Quota' Which has Quota Amount for every team with Start Date and End Date of quota's. Here is the sample quota Table
'StartDate' is Start date of quota, 'StartMonthYear' is month+Year of startdate, 'EndDate' is end date of quota , 'QuotaAmount' is quota between startdate and EndDate and TeamName is Team Name for which this Quota assigned to.
Now I how can i generate repeated rows of a particular Quota on monthly basis? Sample output i am looking for is
Here Team T1 is having quota for 3 months so i want 3 different records for each month with start date as month start date and 'End date' as Month End Date.
Note : Quotas always start from 1 day of month and end at last day of month.
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1972
Reputation: 81950
If you don't have a calendar table, you can use a TVF which generates dynamic date/time ranges
Declare @Date1 date = '2016-01-01' -- These could be a query for min/max dates
Declare @Date2 date = '2016-12-31'
Select A.StartDate
,StartMonthYear = month(A.StartDate)*10000+Year(A.StartDate)
From (Select StartDate=RetVal,EndDate=DateAdd(DD,-1,DateAdd(MM,1,RetVal)) From [dbo].[udf-Range-Date](@Date1,@Date2,'MM',1)) A
Join YourTable B
on A.StartDate between B.StartDate and B.EndDate
Order by TeamName,A.StartDate
The UDF if Needed
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-Range-Date] (@R1 datetime,@R2 datetime,@Part varchar(10),@Incr int)
Returns Table
Return (
with cte0(M) As (Select 1+Case @Part When 'YY' then DateDiff(YY,@R1,@R2)/@Incr When 'QQ' then DateDiff(QQ,@R1,@R2)/@Incr When 'MM' then DateDiff(MM,@R1,@R2)/@Incr When 'WK' then DateDiff(WK,@R1,@R2)/@Incr When 'DD' then DateDiff(DD,@R1,@R2)/@Incr When 'HH' then DateDiff(HH,@R1,@R2)/@Incr When 'MI' then DateDiff(MI,@R1,@R2)/@Incr When 'SS' then DateDiff(SS,@R1,@R2)/@Incr End),
cte1(N) As (Select 1 From (Values(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) N(N)),
cte2(N) As (Select Top (Select M from cte0) Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL)) From cte1 a, cte1 b, cte1 c, cte1 d, cte1 e, cte1 f, cte1 g, cte1 h ),
cte3(N,D) As (Select 0,@R1 Union All Select N,Case @Part When 'YY' then DateAdd(YY, N*@Incr, @R1) When 'QQ' then DateAdd(QQ, N*@Incr, @R1) When 'MM' then DateAdd(MM, N*@Incr, @R1) When 'WK' then DateAdd(WK, N*@Incr, @R1) When 'DD' then DateAdd(DD, N*@Incr, @R1) When 'HH' then DateAdd(HH, N*@Incr, @R1) When 'MI' then DateAdd(MI, N*@Incr, @R1) When 'SS' then DateAdd(SS, N*@Incr, @R1) End From cte2 )
Select RetSeq = N+1
,RetVal = D
From cte3,cte0
Where D<=@R2
Max 100 million observations -- Date Parts YY QQ MM WK DD HH MI SS
Select * from [dbo].[udf-Range-Date]('2016-10-01','2020-10-01','YY',1)
Select * from [dbo].[udf-Range-Date]('2016-01-01','2017-01-01','MM',1)
Upvotes: 0