
Reputation: 693

Applying Sklearn Gaussian Mixture algorithm to fit GM curves

I have been looking at the Sklearn library and it seems to be very accurate in fitting wide components in gaussian mixtures distributions:

enter image description here

I would like to try this methodology for my astronomical data (modifying it a bit since the previous example is deprecated and it will not work in the current version)

However, in my data I have a curve of data and not a distribution of points. Consequently, I generate a distribution from the numpy random.choice function to generate a distribution weighted by the shape of my curve. Afterwards I run sklearn fit:

import numpy            as np
from sklearn.mixture    import GMM, GaussianMixture
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats        import norm

#Raw data
data = np.array([[6535.62597656, 7.24362260936e-17],
        [6536.45898438, 6.28683338273e-17],
        [6537.29248047, 5.84596729207e-17],
        [6538.12548828, 8.13193914837e-17],
        [6538.95849609, 6.70583742068e-17],
        [6539.79199219, 7.8511483881e-17],
        [6540.625, 9.22121293063e-17],
        [6541.45800781, 7.81353615478e-17],
        [6542.29150391, 8.58095991639e-17],
        [6543.12451172, 9.30569784967e-17],
        [6543.95800781, 9.92541957936e-17],
        [6544.79101562, 1.1682282379e-16],
        [6545.62402344, 1.21238102142e-16],
        [6546.45751953, 1.51062780724e-16],
        [6547.29052734, 1.92193416858e-16],
        [6548.12402344, 2.12669644265e-16],
        [6548.95703125, 1.89356624109e-16],
        [6549.79003906, 1.62571112976e-16],
        [6550.62353516, 1.73262984876e-16],
        [6551.45654297, 1.79300635724e-16],
        [6552.29003906, 1.93990357551e-16],
        [6553.12304688, 2.15530881856e-16],
        [6553.95605469, 2.13273711105e-16],
        [6554.78955078, 3.03175829363e-16],
        [6555.62255859, 3.17610250166e-16],
        [6556.45556641, 3.75917668914e-16],
        [6557.2890625, 4.64631505826e-16],
        [6558.12207031, 6.9828152092e-16],
        [6558.95556641, 1.19680535606e-15],
        [6559.78857422, 2.18677945421e-15],
        [6560.62158203, 4.07692754678e-15],
        [6561.45507812, 5.89089137849e-15],
        [6562.28808594, 7.48005986578e-15],
        [6563.12158203, 7.49293900174e-15],
        [6563.95458984, 4.59418727426e-15],
        [6564.78759766, 2.25848015792e-15],
        [6565.62109375, 1.04438093017e-15],
        [6566.45410156, 6.61019482779e-16],
        [6567.28759766, 4.45881319808e-16],
        [6568.12060547, 4.1486649376e-16],
        [6568.95361328, 3.69435405178e-16],
        [6569.78710938, 2.63747028003e-16],
        [6570.62011719, 2.58619514057e-16],
        [6571.453125, 2.28424298265e-16],
        [6572.28662109, 1.85772271843e-16],
        [6573.11962891, 1.90082094593e-16],
        [6573.953125, 1.80158097764e-16],
        [6574.78613281, 1.61992695352e-16],
        [6575.61914062, 1.44038495311e-16],
        [6576.45263672, 1.6536593789e-16],
        [6577.28564453, 1.48634721076e-16],
        [6578.11914062, 1.28145245545e-16],
        [6578.95214844, 1.30889102898e-16],
        [6579.78515625, 1.42521644591e-16],
        [6580.61865234, 1.6919170778e-16],
        [6581.45166016, 2.35394744146e-16],
        [6582.28515625, 2.75400454352e-16],
        [6583.11816406, 3.42150435774e-16],
        [6583.95117188, 3.06301301529e-16],
        [6584.78466797, 2.01059337187e-16],
        [6585.61767578, 1.36484708427e-16],
        [6586.45068359, 1.26422274651e-16],
        [6587.28417969, 9.79250952203e-17],
        [6588.1171875, 8.77299287344e-17],
        [6588.95068359, 6.6478752208e-17],
        [6589.78369141, 4.95864370066e-17]])

#Get the data
obs_wave, obs_flux = data[:,0], data[:,1]

#Center the x data in zero and normalized the y data to the area of the curve
n_wave = obs_wave - obs_wave[np.argmax(obs_flux)]
n_flux = obs_flux / sum(obs_flux) 

#Generate a distribution of points matcthing the curve
line_distribution   = np.random.choice(a = n_wave, size = 100000, p = n_flux)
number_points       = len(line_distribution)

#Run the fit
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components = 4), (number_points, 1)))
gauss_mixt = np.array([p * norm.pdf(n_wave, mu, sd) for mu, sd, p in zip(gmm.means_.flatten(), np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_.flatten()), gmm.weights_)])
gauss_mixt_t = np.sum(gauss_mixt, axis = 0)  

#Plot the data
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 12))
axis.plot(n_wave, n_flux, label = 'Normalized observed flux')
axis.plot(n_wave, gauss_mixt_t, label = '4 components fit')

for i in range(len(gauss_mixt)):
    axis.plot(n_wave, gauss_mixt[i], label = 'Gaussian '+str(i))

axis.set_xlabel('normalized wavelength')
axis.set_ylabel('normalized flux')
axis.set_title('Sklearn fit GM fit')


Which gives me:

enter image description here

And zooming

enter image description here

If anyone has attempted to use this library towards this purpose my questions are two:

1) Is there a class in sklearn to perform this fit without generating the data distribution as an intermediate step?

2) How should I improve the fit? Is there a method to constrain the variables? For example set all the narrow components with the same standard deviation?

Thanks for any advice

Upvotes: 3

Views: 3495

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1119

For question 1:

Consequently, I generate a distribution from the numpy random.choice function to generate a distribution weighted by the shape of my curve. Afterwards I run sklearn fit:

That sounds correct to me. Another possible answer was given in Fast arbitrary distribution random sampling

For question 2:

When fitting models such as GMM, there is a technique called "variance flooring" to impede that components become very narrow (which could happen when one component (over)fits well just a few points). From Schlapbach et al., A Writer Identification System for On-line Whiteboard Data, 2001:

[...] variance flooring is employed to avoid an overfitting of the variance parameter. The idea of variance flooring is to impose a lower bound on the variance parameters as a variance estimated from only few data points can be very small and might not be representative of the underlying distribution of the data. The minimal variance value is defined by

min_sigma**2 = phi * sigma_global**2

where phi denotes the variance flooring factor and the global variance sigma_global**2 is calculated on the complete training set. The minimal variance, min_sigma**2, is used to initialize the variance parameters of the model. During the EM update step, if a calculated variance parameter is smaller than min_sigma**2, then the variance parameter is set to this value.

That would however imply to modify the code. You might reach a similar effect by augmenting the reg_covar argument of sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture.

Upvotes: 2

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