Reputation: 109
For a programming exercise, I am supposed to take a Tree of data type
data Tree a = Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a) | Leaf
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
and label each a
with an Int
, increasingly, depth-first in-order, using a state monad, and count the number of monadic actions. For example, the expression
let tree = Branch (Branch Leaf "B" Leaf) "A" Leaf
in run (label tree) 42
should evaluate to
(Branch (Branch Leaf (42, "B") Leaf) (43, "A") Leaf
, Counts {binds = 10,returns = 5, gets = 4, puts = 2})
The type of the state is:
newtype State' s a = State' { runState' :: (s, Counts) -> (a, s, Counts) }
Here are my implementations of label
and run
label :: MonadState m Int => Tree a -> m (Tree (Int, a))
label Leaf = return Leaf
label (Branch left value right) = do
newLeft <- label left
int <- get
put (int + 1)
newRight <- label right
return (Branch newLeft (int, value) newRight)
run :: State' s a -> s -> (a, Counts)
run s ns = let (a, _, counts) = runState' s (ns, Counts 0 0 0 0) in (a, counts)
However, when I run the test case, my result is
(Branch (Branch Leaf (42,"B") Leaf) (42,"A") Leaf
, Counts {binds = 12, returns = 5, gets = 6, puts = 2})
It seems the Int
isn't being updated at all. This is strange because there are seperate test cases for each part of the assignment, and everything except this is correct. In any case, here are the get and put implementations:
-- get :: State' s s
get = State' (\(s, counts) -> (s, s, counts <> oneGet))
-- put :: s -> State' s ()
put x = State' (\(x, counts) -> ((), x, counts <> onePut))
I am really at a loss here. I have no idea why the Int
s are not affected at all. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 472
Reputation: 44644
I know it's an assignment, but I want to point out that GHC can write almost all of this code for you! The magic words are deriving Traversable
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
data Tree a = Leaf
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
The Traversable
class abstracts the notion of performing an action on each element of a structure. traverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
takes a function which performs an Applicative
effect on elements a
and runs it over the whole structure t
, sequencing the effects to produce a t
in an Applicative
So all we have to do is say how to act on a single element,
inc :: a -> State Int (Int, a)
inc x = do
counter <- get
put (counter + 1)
return (counter, x)
and the Traversable
machinery will do the heavy lifting of running the action across the whole tree.
label :: Tree a -> Tree (Int, a)
label t = evalState (traverse inc t) 0
The layout of the Node
constructor determines the traversal order; in this case traverse
will perform an in-order traversal.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 12725
The problem is in
put x = State' (\(x, counts) -> ((), x, counts <> onePut))
Here you're supposed to put x
into a state, but it gets shadowed in the (x, counts)
pattern. Make it
put x = State' (\(_, counts) -> ((), x, counts <> onePut))
and you should be fine as long as you don't care about monad laws, because your task forces you to violate them:
count the number of monadic actions
One of the laws is (return x >>= f) ~ f x
, but the former expression has additional return
and (>>=)
in it.
Upvotes: 3