Reputation: 35
I'm trying to learn embedded dev in C++ using CoIDE. I have a STM32F0 chip on a break out board. i've done some LED tutorials etc. I'm stuck on this code that is supposed to write some simple text strings to the LCD. The tutorial I'm following is at eeherald tutorial i've adapted the code to my STM32F0 chip. I think I'm close, but the LCD just stays in initialization mode with all the cells lit up. the screen never clears to write the text. here's my code... any help to point me in the right direction would be APPRECIATED!
I "think" the problem may be in the initGPIO() for the data direction code, but I'm not sure... i've tried so many different things with no luck.
enter code here
#include "stm32f0xx_hal.h"
#define EN 12 // EN Enable on PortB chip pin#53
#define RW 11 // RW Read Write on PortB chip pin#52
#define RS 10 // RS Register Select on PortB chip pin#51
void initGPIO(void);
void s_init(void);
void s_data(void);
void s_latch(void);
// Function Name : Init GPIO
// Description : pins ,port clock & mode initialization.
void initGPIO()
// Define GPIO Structures
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
// Reset and clock control - Advanced high-performance bus - Enabling GPIO Port B and Port C
// Set Data Direction for Port C
GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = RS | RW | EN;
GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH;
GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);
//Set Data Direction for Port A
GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3 | GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7;
GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH;
GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
// Function Name : s_init
// Description : Send Instruction Function (RS=0 & RW=0)
void s_init()
// Function Name : s_data
// Description : Send Data Select routine(RS=1 & RW=0)
void s_data()
// Function Name : s_latch
// Description : Latch Data/Instruction on LCD Databus.
void s_latch()
* Function Name : main
* Description : Main program.
int main(void) //Main function
int k=0;
char a[]="WWW.EEHERALD.COM";
GPIOC->BRR=RS; //Initialize RS=0 for selecting instruction Send
GPIOC->BRR=RW; // Select RW=0 to write Instruction/data on LCD
GPIOC->BSRR=EN; // EN=1 for unlatch. (used at initial condition)
s_init(); //Call Instruction Select routine
GPIOB->ODR=0x0001; // Clear Display, Cursor to Home
s_latch(); //Latch the above instruction
GPIOB->ODR=0x0038; // Display Function (2 rows for 8-bit data; small)
s_latch(); //Latch this above instruction 4 times
GPIOB->ODR=0x000E; // Display and Cursor on, Cursor Blink off
s_latch(); //Latch the above instruction
GPIOB->ODR=0x0010; // Cursor shift left
s_latch(); //Latch the above instruction
GPIOB->ODR=0x0006; // Cursor Increment, Shift off
s_data(); //Change the input type to Data.(before it was instruction input)
s_latch(); //Latch the above instruction
GPIOB->ODR=a[k]; //It will send a[0]='P' as = '0x0050' on Port B.
s_latch(); //Latch the above instruction only once. Or it will clone each character twice if you latch twice.
GPIOC->BRR=RS; //Initialize RS=0 for selecting instruction Send
GPIOC->BRR=RW; // Select RW=0 to write Instruction/data on LCD
GPIOC->BSRR=EN; // EN=1 for unlatch. (used at initial condition)
GPIOB->ODR=0x00C0; // Move cursor to beginning of second row
s_latch(); //Latch the above instruction
s_data(); //Change the input type to Data.(before it was instruction input)
GPIOB->ODR=b[k]; //It will send b[0]='E' as = '0x0044' on Port B.
s_latch();//Latch the above instruction only once. Or it will clone each character twice if you latch twice.
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