Reputation: 873
Hi I need to use the NetSuite sFtp Capability to create a file from a saved search and ftp'it to another server. I am wondering after the data that is returned how can I create the file and pass it to the FTP object? It will be a form of csv, can I add it say to the file cabinet and then access from there to pass to the FTP to then send it? Any help is very much appreciated thanks ;
SPS, sorry that would be SS2
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4733
Reputation: 3029
I created this tool to help quickstart your Suitescript 2.0 SFTP project. It makes getting the hostkey and passwordGUI a lot easier. I have the code and a tutorial video here.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 577
NetSuites sFTP function requires a file.File in the file property of the options. The file could be a dynamic file like the NetSuite SuiteAnswers sample below (this is not my example, this is a SuiteAnswers Sample). Or the file could be a file loaded from the filing cabinet.
I really wish NetSuite would implement a native function to allow savedsearch results to be saved as CSV into the file cabinet as a file. This does not exist as of yet, so you will have to craft your own CSV file.
*@NApiVersion 2.x
require(['N/sftp', 'N/file'],
function(sftp, file) {
var myPwdGuid = "B34672495064525E5D65032D63B52301";
var myHostKey = "AAA1234567890Q=";
var connection = sftp.createConnection({
username: 'myuser',
passwordGuid: myPwdGuid,
url: '',
directory: 'myuser/wheres/my/file',
hostKey: myHostKey
var myFileToUpload = file.create({
name: 'originalname.js',
fileType: file.fileType.PLAINTEXT,
contents: 'I am a test file. Hear me roar.'
directory: 'relative/path/to/remote/dir',
filename: 'newFileNameOnServer.js',
file: myFileToUpload,
replaceExisting: true
var downloadedFile ={
directory: 'relative/path/to/file',
filename: 'downloadMe.js'
Upvotes: 5