Reputation: 83
I am trying to write a function for solving multiple regression using QR decomposition. Input: y vector and X matrix; output: b, e, R^2. So far I`ve got this and am terribly stuck; I think I have made everything way too complicated:
QR.regression <- function(y, X) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
y <- as.vector(y)
p <- as.integer(ncol(X))
if ( stop("ncol(X) is invalid")
n <- as.integer(nrow(X))
if ( stop("nrow(X) is invalid")
nr <- length(y)
nc <- NCOL(X)
# Householder
for (j in seq_len(nc)) {
id <-, nr)
sigma <- sum(X[id, j]^2)
s <- sqrt(sigma)
diag_ej <- X[j, j]
gamma <- 1.0 / (sigma + abs(s * diag_ej))
kappa <- if (diag_ej < 0) s else -s
X[j,j] <- X[j, j] - kappa
if (j < nc)
for (k in, nc)) {
yPrime <- sum(X[id,j] * X[id,k]) * gamma
X[id,k] <- X[id,k] - X[id,j] * yPrime
yPrime <- sum(X[id,j] * y[id]) * gamma
y[id] <- y[id] - X[id,j] * yPrime
X[j,j] <- kappa
} # end of Householder transformation
rss <- sum(y[, nr)]^2) # residuals sum of squares
e <- rss/nr
e <- mean(residuals(QR.regression)^2)
beta <- solve(t(X) %*% X, t(X) %*% y)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(X))) # set zeros in the lower triangular side of X
X[, nr),i] <- 0
Rsq <- (X[1:nc,1:nc])^2
return(list(Rsq=Rsq, y = y, beta = beta, e = e))
my.QR <- function(y, X) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
y <- as.vector(y)
p <- as.integer(ncol(X))
if ( stop("ncol(X) is invalid")
n <- as.integer(nrow(X))
if ( stop("nrow(X) is invalid")
qr.X <- qr(X)
b <- solve(t(X) %*% X, t(X) %*% y)
e <- as.vector(y - X %*% beta) #e
R2 <- (X[1:p, 1:p])^2
return(list(b = b, e= e, R2 = R2 ))
X <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
y <- c(1,2,3,4)
my.QR(X, y)
Upvotes: 8
Views: 2531
Reputation: 73345
It all depends on how much of R's built-in facility you are allowed to use to solve this problem. I already know that lm
is not allowed, so here is the rest of the story.
If you are allowed to use any other routines than lm
Then you can simply use
or lsfit
for QR-based ordinary least squares solving., y), y)
lsfit(X, y, intercept = FALSE)
Among those,
is the most light-weighed, while
and lsfit
are pretty similar. The following is what we can do via
f1 <- function (X, y) {
z <-, y)
RSS <- crossprod(z$residuals)[1]
TSS <- crossprod(y - mean(y))[1]
R2 <- 1 - RSS / TSS
list(coefficients = z$coefficients, residuals = z$residuals, R2 = R2)
In the question by your fellow classmate: Toy R function for solving ordinary least squares by singular value decomposition, I have already used this to check the correctness of SVD approach.
If you are not allowed to use R's built-in QR factorization routine qr.default
is not allowed, but qr.default
is, then it is also not that complicated.
f2 <- function (X, y) {
## QR factorization `X = QR`
QR <- qr.default(X)
## After rotation of `X` and `y`, solve upper triangular system `Rb = Q'y`
b <- backsolve(QR$qr, qr.qty(QR, y))
## residuals
e <- as.numeric(y - X %*% b)
## R-squared
RSS <- crossprod(e)[1]
TSS <- crossprod(y - mean(y))[1]
R2 <- 1 - RSS / TSS
## multiple return
list(coefficients = b, residuals = e, R2 = R2)
If you further want variance-covariance of estimated coefficients, follow How to calculate variance of least squares estimator using QR decomposition in R?.
If you are not even allowed to use qr.default
Then we have to write QR decomposition ourselves. Writing a Householder QR factorization function in R code is giving this.
Using the function myqr
there, we can write
f3 <- function (X, y) {
## our own QR factorization
## complete Q factor is not required
QR <- myqr(X, complete = FALSE)
Q <- QR$Q
R <- QR$R
## rotation of `y`
Qty <- as.numeric(crossprod(Q, y))
## solving upper triangular system
b <- backsolve(R, Qty)
## residuals
e <- as.numeric(y - X %*% b)
## R-squared
RSS <- crossprod(e)[1]
TSS <- crossprod(y - mean(y))[1]
R2 <- 1 - RSS / TSS
## multiple return
list(coefficients = b, residuals = e, R2 = R2)
is not extremely efficient, as we have formed Q
explicitly, even though it is the thin-Q
factor. In principle, we should rotate y
along with the QR factorization of X
, thus Q
needs not be formed.
If you want to fix your existing code
This requires some debugging effort so would take some time. I will make another answer regarding this later.
Upvotes: 12