Reputation: 597
I'm trying to concatenate a string with a certain amount of times, but I feel like I've cheated a bit (or at least not actually understood how it's supposed to be done) by using a higher-order function:
let repeat s n =
String.replicate n s |> printfn "%s"
repeat "a" 10
Obviously gives me "aaaaaaaaaa", but how could I do this without a higher-order function? I feel like it's a very simple problem but I can't seem to wrap my head around it, the F# syntax, or way of thinking, is still troublesome for me.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1963
Reputation: 6324
And here's one way using list comprehension and fold, which is the go to function for recursion:
[for i in 1..10 -> "a"] |> List.fold (+) ""
Tail Recursive version
let repeat2 s n =
let rec loop acc n =
match n with
| _ when n > 0 -> loop (acc + s) (n - 1)
| _ -> acc
loop "" n
repeat "oijdfsaoijdoyasjd" 100000 // Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException.
[for i in 1..100000 -> "oijdfsaoijdoyasjd"] |> List.fold (+) "" // no stack overflow
repeat2 "oijdfsaoijdoyasjd" 100000 // no stack overflow
But prepared for massive amounts of gen2 GC and a few min. of runtime.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 4786
If you just want a recursive solution, how about this?
let rec repeat s n =
match n with
| _ when n <= 0 -> ""
| _ -> s + (repeat s (n-1))
repeat "a" 10
or in a more "classic" style with an if-expression:
let rec repeat s n =
if n <= 0 then
s + (repeat s (n-1))
repeat "a" 10
Upvotes: 4