Why this R list of lists fails?

I have a list of .CSV filenames, which contents I want to read to memory as Array mA i.e. I want to put an array/list into the cell of mA so to make and access a list of lists or array of arrays.

data = read.csv("/home/masi/dataList.csv",header = FALSE,sep = ",") 
# P103C1.csv
# P103C2.csv 
# ...

i = 1
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/5688126/54964
mA <- vector("list", length(data))
for (d in data)
        data[i] = paste("/home/masi/Documents/CSV/", d, sep="") 
        # /home/masi/Documents/CSV/P103C1.csv
        # /home/masi/Documents/CSV/P103C2.csv
        # ...

        tmp = read.csv(data[i],header = TRUE,sep = ",")

        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/10776795/54964
        mA[i] = list(tmp[, 1]) # attempt to make a list of lists

        i = i + 1


function (x, ...) 
<bytecode: 0x28cb7f8>
<environment: namespace:stats>
function (x, ...) 
<bytecode: 0x28cb7f8>
<environment: namespace:stats>

Code 2

data = scan(file = "/home/masi/dataList.csv", what = character()) # vector, access data[i]
files <- vector("list", length(data))


for (i in 1:length(data)) {
        tmp = paste0("/home/masi/Documents/CSV/", data[i]) # faster than paste sep=""


        tmp # does not work

        tmp = read.csv(tmp, header = FALSE, sep=","); # no header with other approach
#       files[[i]] = list(tmp[, 1])

tmp # works if last tmp is commented out





Output where error occur at i=23

Read 31 items
 chr [1:31] "P103C1.csv" "P103C2.csv" "P111C1.csv" "P111C2.csv" ...
[1] 21
[1] 22
[1] 23
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote,  : 
  no lines available in input
Calls: read.csv -> read.table
Execution halted

OS: Debian 8.5
R: 3.1.1
Linux kernel: 4.6 backports
Hardware: Asus Zenbook UX303UA

Upvotes: 0

Views: 223

Answers (1)

Zheyuan Li
Zheyuan Li

Reputation: 73395

There three things going wrong here:

So the fix would be

filelst = scan(file = "/home/masi/dataList.csv", what = character()) 
i = 1
mA <- vector("list", length(filelst))
for (file in filelst) {
  tmp = paste0("/home/masi/Documents/CSV/", file)
  tmp = read.csv(tmp, header = TRUE)
  mA[[i]] = list(tmp[, 1])
  i = i + 1


(I honestly think this should be a new question, regarding safe and robust code for reading files.)

Based on your update, some files maybe empty. To make the code more robust, we need try:

filelst = scan(file = "/home/masi/dataList.csv", what = character()) 
i = 1
mA <- vector("list", length(filelst))
for (file in filelst) {
  tmp = paste0("/home/masi/Documents/CSV/", file)
  test <- try(read.csv(tmp, header = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(test) == "try-error") mA[[i]] = "Empty File; No Read!"
  else mA[[i]] = list(test[, 1])
  i = i + 1

Have a read on ?try, and consider the following toy example for its use:

x <- ""
y <- "-0.04,-0.19

tmp <- try(read.csv(text = x, header = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
#[1] "Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote,  : \n  no lines available in input\n"
#[1] "try-error"
#<simpleError in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote,     dec = dec, fill = fill, comment.char = comment.char, ...): no lines available in input>

tmp <- try(read.csv(text = y, header = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
#      V1     V2
#1 -0.040 -0.190
#2 -0.045 -0.580
#3 -0.040 -0.465
#4 -0.035 -0.390
#5 -0.010 -0.240

Upvotes: 1

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